May 26, 2004 23:10
after completing my final english essay, i walked up to my teacher, told her thank you, handed her my paper, and promised her i would take her british lit. class next semester, then smiled. It was amazing, she's a great teacher, seriously, she's the one i'm going to remember as the teacher who guided me on the path i plan on taking for the rest of my life. i walked out of that class and legitimately wanted to go back. i want to take that class twice a week for the rest of my life. i was pretty sad that one was over, but excited to get a chance to end my last class of the semester later tonight. i had my history of rock n roll final. it was amazingly quick, and surprisingly easy. so i walked out of that class and in perfect harmony with the end of my semester, the sun was a bright orange ball setting over the horizon. i sat down and watched the sunset as i drove home and felt complete. like one of my chapters was closing peacefully. i am no longer a first year college student. i am no longer of the youngest at my school, and i am no longer naive of how the system works there. i am excited for the summer, mostly for my friends, and i am excited to be able to read what i'd like, rather than text books all the time.