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Jun 14, 2005 19:47

wow i really need to post more often. were to begin... things are going great with greg just hit 6 months in may. im finally on the computer because hes at work and im bored. tomorrow i get to hang out with crystal. yeahhhhhh. this feels so weird cause my we just got dsl. fast.... im supposed to work for akashi but they are waiting for the girl to leave...if she ever does....i do need a job. mon- wed i went to New York to shop for skewl. got a lot of things. walked around Central Park. saw my grandpa and my moms friend who ive known since i was 4... hum nothing interesting happend. i love New York there are soooo many different kinds of people honestly its like no two people are the same....well at least not in the city. its great if the housing wasnt so outrageous we might have moved back. but im glad i didnt cause i love my greg. We spend every minute were up with each other and i wouldnt change that for the world. i love u greg! uve made these last few months breath-taking... gosh senior year is creeping up so fast. and with it comes sooooo many great expences damn you class ring which i probably wont wear after next year. and prom gonna be money coming out of my ass for the damn dress and everything else that comes with getting all dressed up for that one night. and also next week i take me senior picture... gosh thats gonna be a lot too. but whatever at least the skewl year should be bareable. only taking one hard class (AP Stat). my electives are soo easy. animations 2, photography, and asl 2. all i have to do is make sure i take health online and ill be straight for graduation. this summer my moms supposed to take me and greg to colleges for campus tours. im honestly going to start posting more. i never remember everything that happens and im always lost when my friends talk to me cause i dont know whats going on with them.... and im still waiting for my background to be started... we are waiting until we get photoshop cs and dreamweaver... well ill post later today or tomorrow....
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