Dec 20, 2004 15:18
well as most of u prob. know...i am in glorious Tennessee!! For those of you who dont remember or don't know my backround...I was born here and moved to Texas when i was a wee age of about 7...I cried so hard when we moved to Texas...little did i know i was going to make the very best friends i could ever have there...neways...well we left Friday afternoon at around 3...and we stopped at my uncle's house in Miss. and stayed the night so that it wasn't such a long drive...yes...we drove....neways then we got up the next morning and got here at around 7 or 8 Sat. night...The friends we are staying with...the Mother i guess lol anyways she broke her arm skating at her granddaughter's birthday party and so things have been kina layed back while she rests up. I feel so bad for her. neways omg the most incredible thing happened yesterday!!!
IT SNOWED!!!!!! like huge big white flakes of cold glorious snow!!! It was the best christmas present ever!!! I prayed for it to snow..i haven't seen snow since i was about 6 and every year that we come up here we pray for it to snow and it never does and this year it was a nice today the sun is shining and so there is no snow...and it saddens me bc now its just frikin cold!! lol the windchill factor is like below zero...but its beautiful up here and its such an awesome change and im loving it to death!
we will begin the return trip on Wed. morn. and i dont want to go home... i mean i do cuz its christmas and all but i want to stay here cuz this will always be my real home...i love it here so much and i miss it terribly!! i love u guys in TX...but my heart will always belong to TN...
anyways, well i suppose i will go tired and i took some cold pills and they are making me i gotta call some old friends who live here and see if i can get together with some of guys would love them!! neways well i guess ill talk to everyone later!! ill try to update more as things happen...but who knows if ill remember!! neways love u all!!
later days!!
P.S. Happy Holidays!!