By God's Grace.....

Mar 04, 2009 04:24

I'M ALIVE!!!! :D/

Man, 3 months!!! This thing is so badly neglected, my old trusty journal gets no love. Well I'm only here to stroke it just a tad bit then I'm on the road again! :)

Life is going ok, of course there are bumps, but nothing that's not the natural order of things so I can't complain.

Well I will complain about my damn State Refund has still not made it into by bank account. smh! In all my years.......

I can't remember exactly when I post, but my son is now a year old....16 months to be exact. He is quite the busy body.....and I am so the "old" body! ummm, yea!

I'm working nights now, 10:30p - 7:30a OMG it's killing me....tis where I am right now btw. I'm at work all night and then I'm dealing with my son during the day. I'm averaging about 3-4 hours a sleep per work day. :| All for the love need for money. And I should or will mention that I'm back at the same station I started....yes the hood.

Mixed feelings on that. On one hand, more money and I don't have to deal with the politics, etc. I had to while at the Training Academy. On the other hand, I'm dealing with another breed in these here parts.

Anyway, I've typed way more than I planned to. I'll be back!

One day! :P

general, work

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