(no subject)

Aug 29, 2008 10:52

Kelly and I are no longer friends. She chose her boyfriend over our friendship. The sad part is I didn't even ask her to, I never would. Amanda and I got WASTED last Saturday and had talked to her about 45 minutes before she was supposed to show up. SURPRISE, Kelly stopped answering our calls, kept pushing ignore when we called and then eventually shut her phone off completely. We left her 17 bitchy voicemails, the drunker we got the angrier we got. So of course she was upset and I don't blame her but because of that she decided to start shit with me and not be friends with me. The best part, Amanda left the majority of the voicemails and hers were WAY meaner than mine were yet she is not mad at Amanda, only me. At this point I don't care that we're no longer friends, I'm almost relieved. The thing is we have to call her and beg her to come hang out, if we didn't she'd stay home and sleep all the time. I can't remember a single time in the past year where she has called me to hang out. It's been a one way friendship for a very long time. When we can convince her to come out it's always a nightmare. If she brings Matt he sits there silent the entire time and makes everyone feel awkward. If she comes alone Matt either calls her crying and whining or calls her to bitch at her & she always ends up going home. Or she talks to us right before we're supposed to hang out and then doesn't answer our calls and never shows up and when we finally get ahold of her days later her excuse is always Matt. And every time he is not with her she is bitching about him and talking about how she wants to break up with him but then she gets angry when I tell her that she always uses him as her excuse. So you know I'm just sick of the bullshit, if she wants to be friends SHE can make the effort.

Kaitlin leaves Saturday morning for Cali :-[ I wish I was going with her, we've gotten so much closer over the past two years and I am going to miss her terribly. We got the chance to see Obama's acceptance speech last night at the State Theatre, it was incredible! Every single speaker was an inspiration and Obama's speech left me so awe-struck and with the feeling that this man truly does have what it takes to lead our nation into better times and solve the things that Bush so royally fucked up. Not saying that Bush didn't do good things but he's fucked up A LOT. This war, this economy, healthcare and education are the most important issues to me. I can't wait to vote and I am encouraging everyone my age that I know to do the same! Your vote does make a difference so get out there and vote!!

Peace & Love.
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