a couple of posts down you will see how i was leaving new york. well, alas i am back in this state for now. there are a few more hurdles i need to clear before i can have the actual prize, but i had a lot fo fun. i'd say i was pretty lucky to be able to spend over a month with my significant other and have the monetary means to keep us enjoying it, hedonistic style.
i missed my family, of course, but that's not the main reason i came home. i need a job with some steady income and i have a few prospects so hopefully i'll have something to occupy my time while i get some money in my pocket. also, i need a license because that's a freedom that i should have experienced by now, but i can't change that. i have been busy and it was never all that pertinent, but now i'm ready for it. then i will need a car, of course. my parents offered to go half with me on one when the time comes, so hopefully that will speed the process up a bit. i want to be with him, i really do. i just want it to be right and fair and for us to be ready to start our own life together, without depending on anyone else. when it happens it'll be amazing.
i flew back into new york on friday afternoon and didn't get there until after 9. the falcon ridge folk festival was going on and i decided to meet up with them there as a surprise. i didn't tell anyone i was coming home except for my cousin's boyfriend (so that he could pick me up from the airport) and my dad (so that he would save my ticket for me). i got into the airport late and dan had made up some lame excuse as to them being there (having to pick up bags for his cousin who just came home from iraq) and leah was getting so mad because it was getting late. i turned my phone back on when we landed and there were frantic texts from dan because he was fearful of leah's wrath, haha. but i went down to baggage claim and found them and went up behind leah and gave her a hug and she was looking at me SO confused. it took her a few minutes to grasp that they were there for me but when she did she started to cry and so did i. we grabbed my bags and started to haul ass upstate, only getting pulled over once which didn't result in a ticket.
we got there and i was hiding in the tent, waiting for my mom and sister to come up to our campsite. nette was walking up and i came out and asked if there was room in the tent for one more and she started screaming and crying, i felt like a rock star for a few minutes, haha. then my mom came around and was staring at me and hugged me. she was mad because she thought i had some big secret because when i called me dad she was right there and he wouldn't tell her what i was saying. he told them i wanted to tell them myself so they were all mad at him. poor daddy.
the folk festival was good, very hot and we all got very burnt, but it was fun as always. we got to see ani again and she's always fun to watch and listen to. she's always eloquent when she sings so i can understand every word she says. anyway, this is getting to be the longest entry i've ever written so i'll close with some pictures.