Why do they always send the poor

Sep 17, 2006 14:07

I was watching the news this morning, or I should say Meet the Press of one of the other Sunday morning spin machine shows. John McCain was talking, I liked the man, and if he runs in 08 I will be voting for him. Hands down the least crooked of the hopeful canidates, and the guy spent time in a POW camp, for that he earns my primary and hopefully presidental vote. (Yeah I am republican ;) )

Anyways as I thought about the election, for some reason the X-Factor for the election popped into my head. Myspace! This is going to be a huge tool in the next election. Swing voters, 18 and 19 year old kids are going to get spammed on myspace, "cool pages" of political propoganda, from the leading propoganda machine, media news giant Fox. They own the site, they control the tool to make someone seem like the hip canidate.

Of all of the hopefuls I think McCain and Edwards will be the only hip ones. The Clintons are getting old, and no late night Sax playing will be done by Hillary to swing the vote. No cool comments about boxers or briefs (in Hillary's case I guess thong or fullback) on an MTV "Townhall Meeting". No the cool canidate is going to be the one with the hip blog on myspace, written by a younger speech writer, signed by the canidate and read by the kids. Things important to them, like underwear and sax playing.

The kids in 92 (me included) had just watched a 100 hour invasion of Iraq and our parents and friends could get decent jobs. Times have changed and I hope the canidates address Iraq, North Korea, and Iran to the younger generation. Low and behold the nation we onced trounced has killed thousands of Americans, while we were thinking about underwear, we should have been asking the canidates about the future of Iraq. We should have been asking what the future might hold and how we could make sure the middle would become secure. Instead we were guided to ask funny questions about underwear and watch "the young outsider" play the sax. Just like his presidency Clinton spun away from tough foreign issues, and played to the easier domestic issues. Bush #41 played to the victories abroad, ignored the domestic, and fought to seem cool.

Well the same thing is about to happen, only this time on myspace. The younger generation is going to be fed what to think, about less important issues. They are going to vote on the hipness factor, more than likely voting straight party. They are going to come into a shit storm of problems later in their lives, and wonder where the problems came from. Well it came from them electing people that were buying their votes with pop culture references and keeping them away from the real issues.

"Every Generation needs a new revolution"- Thomas Jefferson
“He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors”- Thomas Jefferson
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