May 11, 2006 02:03
Since I'm up and watching "Cheaters" (yeah, I know: I'm embarassed) I figured it would be pretty harmless to fill out a survey, right?
1) How old do you wish you were?
18, that was a pretty good year
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened?
When it happened? I was in classes during my Junior year of H.S. - I first found out during Madrigals: Josh Sette came in and told us that someone had flown a plane into one of the WTC towers.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Well, lately the only vending machines I've used just steal my SUpercard Food money and that's alright with me because I've got lots of it left.
4) Do you consider yourself kind?
Yes :), don't you?.
5) What did you eat for breakfast today?
I had 2 blueberry waffles w/ syrup and lots of oolong
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
Well if I hypothetically had a tattoo of my chinese name it would hypothetically be on the back of my neck and also hypothetically be tattooed in my grandmother's handwriting...but that was all hypothetical
7) If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
I wish I were fluent in Hainanese - I'd be able to communicate with my grandparents more easily.
8) Do you know your neighbors?
My neighbors @ school? The girls in the apartment to the left (when you're looking at the apts) are pretty nice. They knocked on my door a few days ago to say "hi", tell me about a party they were having and invite me. I wish I had gotten to know them earlier.
My neighbors @ home are evil. All of them are evil.
9) What do you consider a vacation?
A vacation is any time that I get to truly escape my life.
10) Do you follow your horoscope?
Not at all
11) Would you move for the person you loved?
It I looking for a change anyway? It also depends on where I'd have to move.
12) Are you touchy feely?
Not unless I'm drunk and I'm around someone worth being touchy feely with? That's a HORRIBLE answer :(
13) Do you believe that opposites attract?
How opposite? I think there need to be some commonalities...
14) Dream job?
Teaching in an inner-city school, A.K.A. what I'm going to be doing in two years :-)
15) Favorite channel(s):
Well lately BRAVO has won out over a lot of other channels (hellooo Real Housewives of O.C., Top Chef). I've also been watching a lot of the Style Network, HGTV and UPN (uh...Cheaters is my new guilty pleasure). However, the Food Network will ALWAYS be one of my faves.
17) Favorite place to go on weekends? I in Syracuse or at home?
18) Showers or Baths?
Showers - I like to get in an out and the idea of sitting in water laden with the dirt that has just been washed from my body is not very appealing.
19) Do you paint your finger nails?
It depends...I have to be in the mood but yes, I've been known to give myself mani-pedis.
23) What are your phobias?
I'm a bit claustrophobic, a bit noctiphobic, necrophobic, monophobic...WHOA I've got to deal with myself, huh?
24) Do you want kids?
Here is the plan, folks: I want to definitely adopt kids from within the US. I'm not sure if I want to have my own yet...that depends on how I feel later on.
25) Do you keep a handwritten journal?
I have in the past but I don't really have the time lately. Plus, when I try to write long pieces, my handwriting goes downt he toilet.
26) Where would you rather be right now?
Anywhere but here (but definitely not in Stamford either)
27) Who makes you feel guilty?
Myself, my Mom, my little brother, my Step Mom, my Dad, some of my friends
29) Heavy or light sleep?
I'd say I'm somewhere right in the middle...I used to be a heavier sleeper.
30)Are you paranoid?
YES! Law & Order doesn't help me much in that department either.
31) Are you impatient?
It depends on the situation.
32) Who can you relate to?
I refuse to answer such an open-ended question. I could name about 30283534 people because I truly believe that one can relate to every other single person in one way, shape or form (intersectionality, what?)
33) How do you feel about interracial couples?
Well, not even taking into account the fact that I am the product of an interracial couple/marraige (yay for being half Asian or "hasian" as I like to call it), I definitely believe in interracial couples.
34) Have you been burned by love?
Ooh, nice verb!
35) Whats your life motto?
Well, I've once said that my motto is "Settle for mediocrity", but I'm not quite sure I should own up to that...
36) What is your passion?
Teaching, music, a whole buncha oats stuff
37) Favorite sport?
To watch? Basketball, dance, baseball
To play? Vollyball, soccer
WHY IS THIS QUESTION CAPITALIZED? Okay, that's not what my last text message is.
"I agree! What is tomorrow like for you?"
39) Do you have a crush?
I have a squash - zucchini actually
Hmmm...Four Brothers? It was good...I liked it.
Phone, lip balm, water bottle
My sheets are currently green.
Katelyn and cash don't mix very well. I hardly ever have cash on me. I'll go with about $0.20 (and it's probably all pennies)?
45) What is your favorite part of the chicken?
One word, 5 syllables: veg-e-tar-i-an
46) What is your favorite city?
NYC = <3
Now seriously, what kind of question is this?
51) Who got you to join MYSPACE?
A long time ago one some random friend told me to join. Then after realizing that "some people" can use My Space to create alter-egos, I decided to delete my account. I do have a question though: what happened to 48-50?
52) What did you have for dinner LAST NIGHt?
I truly do not remember last night. Tonight I went to Ruby's (because the salad bar is AMAZING except the crouton-tray was empty & the croutons are my favorite) and had salad bar and the BBQ-Jack Veggie Burger.
53) How long have you been at your current job?
My current job of being Syracuse University's bitch or my summer job? I'm approaching my 4th year at this hellish university (it's actually not so bad) and my 3rd year working @ the Bartlett during the summer.
54) Is Tom on your friends list?
Deleted the My Space - provoked by negocios sospechosos.
55) Look to your right, what do you see?
Beige curtains (lov-er-ly)
56) Who is the last person you spent over $50 on?
Yesterday was Mommy's birthday and I sent her a combination Mother's Day-Birthday bouquet of flowers (actually, nix was a pot of miniature roses in a pretty basket - I may have made that sound absolutely disgusting but they're pretty)
57) Whats the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?
I don't do the "borrow clothing" thing. It's just not me.
58) What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
Well... I'm a facebook whore ( but aren't we all?
I also highly recommend indulging your fantasies and visiting at least 3x a day like I do.
59) Do you have an air freshener in your car?
Yes I do! It's green and pretty and it's from Crabtree - I got it for half-price way back when I worked there four summers ago.
60) Do you have plants in your room?
No...I wish I were a plant person (meaning that I could take care of plants - I really love plants) but, alas I am not.
61) If you could choose, how would you pass on?
This is an absolutely hideous question - please refer to the question about my fears.
67) Any kids?
No - not having any children at 21 was part of my plan. However, if you talk to Whitney she'll probably tell you that I have 18 kids and that, therefore, my vagina is stretched out. Don't talk to Whitney.
68) Do you miss anyone?
Yes I do, thanks for asking.
69) Do you like revenge?
I like the idea of revenge but not necessarily the rammifications and feelings that go along with it. I tend to think about revenge but hardly ever act on it (realllllly hard to do :-\)
70) Know how to swim?
Yup, and since I'm presumably not house-sitting a humongous mansion in Greenwich this summer I won't really get to do it as often as I did last summer.
71) Do you know how to skate?
Ice skate? Check; Roller skate? Check; Roller blade? Check; Skateboard? No.
72) Know how to snowboard?
No and I can't ski either - my family tried to teach me when I was up at my grandparents' cabin in the Poconos when I was six. That didn't go too well.
73) Ski?
Oh, oops!
74) Who will repost this?
No one - and I don't think anyone will read this either. It's a mother-fucking long survey!
75) If you could have one wish come true, what would it be?
My one wish is that someone will read this survey. Please make it come true!