May 09, 2005 23:02
Four hour musical rehersals are always fun! *sarcasm*sarcasm* Especially when they involve Josh rolling his pant legs to a point far above where they should be *slightly less sarcasm*more questioning glances*
But yes, Opening Week or whatever it's technically called seems to put Mr. Healy in a bad mood...for some odd reason. *strokes chin* Maybe if...ehh, this is where I'd normally complain about things needing to be different, but nothing's coming to mind. Aside, that is, from him being Irish and therefore, as Moe said, irritable. There's gotta be something else though, I'm just not awake enough to think of something right now.
Soon! In the general future...I plan on making a new icon for myself, once I figure out how to use VideoImpression...or whatever other video-making programs I have on my computer. Should be fun =)