Aug 15, 2005 23:24
So!! In today's Eesh Escapades (I've decided to name them, by the way) our hero, complete with cape and tights, pranced around town to Target and Michael's, buying: more eyeshadow, because one can never have enough eyeshadow; mini-sized, sparkle-y clippies; and nifty buttons in the shapes of fruits, frogs and ladybugs! Okay...there was a definate lack of cape action, as well as tight action, but I did get to drive places with my most common (for now) driving sidekick: Cher Boy, a.k.a. Kyle.
Apparently Cover Girl puts sparkle-y stuff in some of their eyeshadows now! ♥ Oh man...such glee! And I now have a black take place of the black, pencil-type eyeliner I a) don't have, and b) don't know how to apply anyway! =)
Then the buttons...they are taking the place of the common uniform buttons that come with the uniform skirts. This means that I have to sew them on, but no matter! They are but mere buttons, it's not like I have to resew a hem or anything. *shudder* But I already changed the ones on my solid grey and solid blue skirts, only pricking myself to the point of drawing blood once! Grey = watermelon slices, blue = little green froggies. The other two need to visit Shack's to have hems fixed, so no button changing for them...yet. This is, perhaps, my major act of rebellion for the 2005-2006 school year...modifying the uniform with unconventional buttons! =O Gasp.
After getting home from Michael's, Cher Boy decides, "Hey! We should go see The Skeleton Key! And let's have the D's come!" So we call Julia, she and John agree, and Julia is kind enough to drive us there, and Beth joined us in our escapades. The movie was awesome, and with the *surprise* ending that the previews tell you about! Best ending ever. The movie was followed by driving to Taco Hell Bell and trying to get tacos while John is sitting in the backseat talking like a Southern Belle, sitting next to me, I might add. I ended up sitting in the front with Julia and Beth, because Julia's car is equipped with a middle seat belt. ♥ It saved my sanity, or what little remains anyway.
Speaking of movies...I went to see March of the Penguins with Ralf the other day. Best "documentary" ever!!!! It wasn't really a documentary in the sense that I didn't fall asleep on my couch watching The Discovery Channel, but it was in the fact that learned enough to decide that it would really suck to be a penguin, once you reach the age of five. BUT!! The educational material was totally overshadowed by the penguins!!! They make nifty noises and hit each other with what would be their wings if they could fly and glide on their tummies when they don't feel like walking!! That, and the baby penguins were the most fuzzy, adorable little balls of fluff ever! *squee*
And now, it's almost tomorrow, which means my last volleyball game for this summer. ='( I'm gonna miss everyone! And we're playing!