I saw on a Japanese site a few days ago that w-inds. would release an untitled new single on January 26th of 2011!
I know... yay!
Now time for more "yay(s)!"
Darren Martyn - who has worked with w-inds. before and if you happen to stalk both Keita's and Darren's twitter as I do, you can see also engage in conversations... in English - wrote on his twitter last night that he worked with w-inds. on a new track titled "Noise."
Though, nothing has been confirmed. I've checked w-inds. official website as well as CDJapan, but nothing's there. So, take this with a grain of salt, ladies and gents. Though possible that they could be releasing a new single, "Noise" could possibly be a B-Side or an unused track for future releases (like how they did "Don't Remind Me," and then finally released it via album). But let's hope it's true! Doesn't "Noise" sould like it could possibly be an aggressive dance track? XDDDD
Below the cut is a pic of Darren Martyn's twitter...tweet...or comment...whatever they call it (not a twitter person. Sorry!)
EDIT: Sorry, mods. LJ Cut is not working for me. Since the picture isn't at all big, I figure it may not be so distracting and it'll be okay like this??? Yes, no?
I know, the pic is little. I suck at paint and photoshop, you guys. But, you can check out his
twitter page if you want.