
Oct 26, 2006 15:52

With the new ruling in the New Jersey Supreme court I can't help but be a little more optimistic towards the future of the GLBT community. I also know this fact as well. In order for thing like this to continue we need to be serious around this time of years. November elections are right around the corner. As GLBT people we need to find our allies in congress(or our allies who want to be in congress) and do our best to get them there alonmg with the other gov't officials who are up for election this year. People tell me all the time that their vote doesn't matter and things of that nature. That is untrue. Espcially in local gov't, your vote really matters. It is the most important right you have as a citizen of the USA. Even if you aren't a citizen of USA your personal rights to vote in your own country is important. Anyway, i didn't mean to rant on voting. My pointis...and i do have to learn whonthe canidatees are, learn where they stand on the issues you find imporatnt, make sure you are registered to vote, and it. Vote dammit lol. In the last presidential election we had a record of youth voting. Lets see if we can get a record of homo votes in the next comming years. We need to stand up and say "We are peopele too dammit, and we deserve the same rights as anyone else."
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