(no subject)

Jun 25, 2004 14:27

i'm not to good at this up dating everyday thing.....i went to zan's house with dana on wed. me n zan walked to stewarts and got lolly pops!! lol ice cream n cookies yum dnana got there round ten....zan n dana always say i fall asleep to early so i told zan to hit me to wake me up if i fell asleep and she did a lot it rlly rlly hurt and i feel asleep ne way in the middle of the south park movie........in the morning we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show...it was kinda stupid n confusing i didn't rlly like it but they luv it. Later we went swimmming and through pennies in the pool and we timed r selves to c who could get them all in under a minute....i suck at that hahaha

I am happy i don't have to go to summer skool but all year my rents were yelling at me calling my teachers n shit and being assholes about how they thought i was gonna go and they didn't say ONE word to my brother about it they thgouth he was the perfect child with perfect grades n they think i am the opposite but today my rents got a letter saying that he has to go to summer skool he failed 2 quarters of math and his finial and all this other bad shit...dik but the point is that my parent s were assholes to me the child that doesn't have to go to summer skool but they were sooooo nice to tim who has to go...RRRRRRRRR they sux

Courtney and zan r comeing over in a few hours zan is leaving me to go to camp on N.H. on monday and she will be gone for a month!! :(
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