Aug 03, 2008 20:20
My marriage is officially over.
I know it's been long in coming, and some of you will be saying your own private yehaws, (you know who you are), but for the rest who don't know why, I have emancipated myself from someone who never really cared about what I needed or wanted. It was fine as long as I fit into his idea of what was comfortable to him, but anything else that wasn't his idea or his interest was unwelcome and even discouraged.
No more.
Icon is a representation of the new child I am hoping to aquire in the not too distant future. The actual kitten is still being sought.
I will enroll Lavalea into the local school ASAP. Now, to come up with a way to buy out his interest in the business and my house...
(He's actually being pretty cool about it all.)