A bit of random, possibly uncollected and in all likely-hood WRONG thoughts on last nights LOST…
Wow….been waiting all damn season for the elusive Charlie episode and I gotta say….that was some hard shit to watch! I find it a bit odd that almost EVERY. SINGLE. MAIN. CHARACTER. on this island has had some sort of weird, almost impossible to explain away experience - that Locke has called it fate and Jack has called it trauma and stress and Hurley’s is the result of cursed numbers and Walt’s is an everyday normal case of … of….what would conjuring up things from the pages of comic books be exactly? Like Charlie so brilliantly pointed out - Kate sees a black stallion that turns into what…her father? Sawyer channels the very same horse man and tries to kill her and Locke - FUCKING LOCKE - um….I’m sorry, but weren’t you in a wheelchair before the island worked it’s case of ‘weird’ on you? And Charlie has his episode and everyone treats him like the red headed stepchild that was only tolerated because he didn’t stir the pot AT ALL! I don’t know - I guess if he actually was using again the argument could be made that possibly he deserved it, or got what was coming to him or whatever - and I don’t deny for a second that what he did was wrong, and strange, and that he probably did in fact deserve that punch to the right side of his face and then some…but really - the guy obviously has issues and everyone else has managed to get at least one person rallied to their side in friendship - and poor Charlie is sitting there in the sand wearing his crazy hood and nursing his un-anesthesia-ed stitches all alone. Poor Charlie.
I can’t help but think that something really strange is going on with Locke - the guy does have a history of doing weird things to get whatever it is that he’s trying to accomplish done. Lets not forget Boone and the wacky paste and the countless lies that were told over the hatch. But his behavior was just so off in this episode - I understand the trust issue - but really - he was totally out of character a lot and well - him keeping the statues honestly just freaks me out a bit. What sinister plan does he have up his sleeve…and why keep them? And Claire sweetheart…YOU of all people should be a little bit more sympathetic to what Charlie is going through - did you or did you NOT go repeatedly to a psychic that warned you something was amiss with your unborn baby. Would Charlie’s warnings and dreams and words not at least ring some warning bells to you? Come on Claire…I know Charlie sorta of got his jerk on in this episode - but the guy has been there for you, over and over again! Poor Charlie.
Anyways…I liked Charlie’s flashback this time - painting him in a different light than all of his other flashbacks had. He wasn’t all strung out and sleeping with hookers and tricking his girlfriends into money for drugs. He still seemed to have a dream and a possibility and well….seeing him playing the piano and singing *swoons* - just….nice. Liam’s a big fat jerk - I hated him and blamed him for Charlie’s fate before and this episode just sealed that, I can’t believe he sold Charlie’s piano…so very sad.
And um….I just don’t think I have words for Drive Shaft in diapers and pacifiers dancing in an oversized crib. Aces to Dom himself for giving me the biggest belly laugh I’ve had in ages.
So yeah - hard episode to watch, good - so very good for Charlie as it gives him character and potential and the outlook of more story in the future - just don’t screw it up LOST writers - don’t let this one fade away into the back story.
And where the heck are all the screen caps...Whose slacking dammit??? *snicker*