Or should that say the Charlie drought? Cause someone seemed to have heard our whines, threats and pleas and finally made good with the washed up rock star!
*gigglesnort* Oh where to start? The mysterious Mr.Eko turning out to really be a forced-into-it drug dealer from a third world country? The fact that the mere mention of a Virgin Mary Statue turned him into some raving lunatic - come on - what are the odds that his brothers plane crashed onto THAT island in the middle of who the fuck knows where and he would instantly know that Charlie had found his drug filled past - and yet in LOST land, it makes us all nod our heads and say 'YES - now that makes sense'. God I love LOST. And boy howdie do I love the delicious build up they're FINALLY making towards the much anticipated Charlie flashback. He's a bit crazy, eh? Before all the little cogs and wheels started clicking into place I just wondered....why the hell did he NOT take him the actual plane - obviously something wasn't right with Eko being so extremely interested in it's origins. Something beyond him possibly being a 'priest', and than that lovely little revelation that Charlie's been stashing away the statues like some twisted magpie - and yet, he's not using. Right. No one actually thinks that he's started using again, right? It's gonna end up being some huge sorta twisted religious symbolism thing when he finally....what ... tosses it all into the fire, the water...and is done with it. Something that reflects his warped past and all the layers of it that lead him to where he is. Maybe - of course I'm rambling, but WOOT! I was just so thrilled to finally see some more Charlie that wasn't just him being comic relief or a really cheesy side story. YAY LOST!
Oh....and did anyone else get a tremendous kick out him climbing the tree *snorts harder* ... and all the grunting and the snarky 'scripture stick' comments and stabs about how normal people would run from the big black smoke monster. And what the FUCK is the big black smoke monster...we've seen it before, right? In the jungle when Jack and Hurley and Kate and Locke went to the Black Rock for the dynamite for sure at least...and it sounds all mechanical...and not to go and gack Dom's dorky Star Wars jokes...but Eko totally just 'forced' it away! Crazy stuff.
Uh...random observations. Dom singing Kinks songs while fishing totally made me giggle and squirm on the couch and be caught out by Mr.T who happened to walk past right at the beginning of the show and rolled his eyes most impressively! Sawyer realizing that everyone loves him *squishes Sawyer*...and more wonky hair grooming by the girls of LOST - not such a bad thing. Even Jin introducing Sun to Ana Lucia and offering her the fish for her lonely little fire made me smile all warm like...when did I grow to love Jin so much? And Michael...and Walt on the computer - I don't have enough thoughts on that yet to make much of an observation except that yeah...he's holding it together remarkably well for someone who had his kid taken by a band of wild fucking island natives....that can't last long.
So yeah....GOOD, GOOD, GOOD episode as far as Tremble is concerned...poor Eko, poor, poor Charlie...even poor Claire feeling all deceived right now - can't wait till next week!
*heeee* I just really needed to have this picture easily accessible to giggle at on a regular basis!