snap, crackle, and...ummm... pop?

Sep 29, 2008 13:10

This morning was my 2nd chiropractic appointment. I'm hoping this one goes a bit better than the 1st one did.
Basic re-cap: they forgot to tell me to stay in bed as much as possible for the rest of the day, and to apply ice as needed. The end result? I was gimpier (is that actually a word?) than usual for the next few days.
I have to admit, once the sore muscles, etc. eased a bit, it was nice to be able to move my head around and- for a few days- my back wasn't anywhere near as bad.
Today, though, knowing that I *should* stay off my feet as much as possible and that I *should* use ice and avoid heat..... well, at least I'll be able to do part of that.
I have 5 HeadHunters to pick up at 4 different schools. This needs to be timed and coordinated so that 2 of the HeadHunters get to their appointments that are 5 minutes (but 6 miles) apart. Wish me luck?
When that part of the day is over, I'll have to drop off 1 of the HeadHunters and bring the other 4 home. They somehow expect me to do this running with them out of town and have supper ready for them when we all walk in the door.
I think I can pull that one off?
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