Jul 02, 2004 12:51
ok so college isnt that bad after all haha .. jess and i have lots of fun during the class.. im in love with the mr...<333 and theres these two guys who are hot. lol.. well mine is..? clint clint clint!!!!!<3333 oh and jess loves some guy named joseph? yea he has deformed feet.. ewwww blah..and clint has 6 fingers.. its hot haha..
yup today imma go to jess house to sow some stuff were gonna be selling and do some other stuff.. we might go watch the notebook.. maybe and yea it shall be fun..well it always is me and jess are weirdos lol.. its fun when we hang at here house.. lol.. all we do is eat and sleep hahah i can imagina us when we get our place lol
yea this weekend should be fun.. fri movies. sat maybe san diego with jess?? hopefully. and sund jess anniversary!! woot woot and yea beach and shit on mond with hayley<3 ohhh lol yea thats pretty much it.. i guess we'll see how good the weekend is lates