Aug 18, 2004 22:00
So today the Zoo was alright. I really didnt have a disire to go, just because I knew that it was going to upset me from the very begining. And I know that people are like "oh, the zoo is so much fun..look at all the cute animals!...look that ones scratching...."
But look at it from the animals point of view. Its so fucked up. Yeah I know that we're saving those animals, I know that they are better off there because were abandoned blah blah blah shut it!
So put them on fucking display to be gwaked at? How would you like it if every time you had to take a shit four to five people were standing there watching you going "oh its so cute"
Or fucking being a snake. People jsut go in there to be like "eww...that one is gross"
How would you like to be stuck behind a glass wall with people staring at you all day telling you how gross you are.
Little kids imitating lions, cats, bears, what have you, growling at them, one after another.
Trying to sleep while having people flash cameras in your face day in and day out. And people wonder why they dont run and you seriously think that they are happy?!?
Fucking today, we were at the gorrilas and there was this gorrila that was leaning against the galss with its back to everyone and some lady was there and she was slamming her hand on the glass saying "hey...hey....I know you can here me...turn around" Then he just scratched his butt (which I thought was hilarious saying like "kiss my ass lady")
She hit the glass like ten times and then finally said "fine just turn your back on me, everyone else does."
It makes me so sick that people can be so...ignorant..that isn't even the word...hmm...stupid, careless, idiotic, self endolgent, loud, no fucking manners, or a care for anything else in the world but their pathetic exsistence...basically morons!.
I hate people so god damn much.
Charlotte and I were argueing about me being a vegetarian and she said that they dont have part of the brain that allows reason, or to know right and wrong.
She said someting like "if a dog gets into the garbage and you yell at it, it doesn't do it again because it doesn't want to get yelled at again, not becasue it knows that its wrong"
But isn't that how we all learn. If we do soemthing wrong and get in trouble, we dont do that thing again in fear of getting in trouble, thats how we learn that things are wrong. Everyone does it.
Animals are no different then us, except for apposable thumbs.
They still have the part of the brain that allows them to care for their young, to feel pain, they know how to fucking eat, they know how to make a home for themselves.
What makes them so different?
What make us fucking think that we can treat them so low as to cage them up, put them on display, torture them, eat them in an unfashionable manner. Basically treat them like shit.
I jsut...I dont get it.
It makes me want to cry for days and days...jsut because that I know I know nothing...nothing about whats happened. yet Ive learned so much and it breaks my heart. But to know that there is more out there makes me want to die.
How can all of you go to sleep at night?