So being a vegetarian isn't going to be hard anymore. Just the thought of meat makes me want to puke. Im happy about that.
Im going to start buying tofu and drinking soy milk as well.
Im also reading a book called the gradual vegetarian, I like it.
I really think its going to work this time.
Im leaving for California next tuesday for two weeks.
It should be very fun. Im going to come back tan. eek!
Im kind of happy about that, but I like my milky skin, heh.
I should have started tanning this summer here becuase I know when I go there I am going to get the shit burnt out of me.
I will be taking tons of pictures.
It will be the firsty time that Cody and I are not together on our anniversary.
6th month.
Its going to be sad.
Jsut being without him for two weeks is going to kill me. Thats so long compared to seeing him every day. Its going to hurt, very bad.
I made him a lunch for work today, heh it felt cool.
oi. I really dont have much else to say.
I need to work today
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