Jul 04, 2007 20:55
my dad gave me a new pair of scissors! so far this evening I've given myself a haircut, made a pair of shorts, and made some little star stickers. now I'm going to put the scissors away.
I took a whirlwind trip to victoria on monday to play a show with the hazards. there was a very drunk guy with a lamb hand-puppet in the audience, but we just thought he was a weird victoria guy with a lamb hand-puppet and didn't realize how drunk he was until he collapsed onstage, snapping the head off my favourite cable that I got in boston. such is rock & roll? afterwards we had a most excellent jam at adam's, with accordion and banjo and two double-basses.
things are mostly very good. I'm not catastrophizing as much lately (thanks becky for the excellent word) although I'm still pretty sure that our mysteriously declining population of honeybees is a harbinger of doom.
um, work stuff, sun stuff, snap peas.
I'm feeling energetic and I'd like to go dancing tonight, but I don't know where - any suggestions?