Jun 14, 2005 03:20
I'm excited that I've finished everything for the Semester...but as I say that I know that there are some who have still got a way to go yet. Had some more late nights to get stuff done, but I think I have to have that sort of pressure. It's crazy. Written assignment went in last week, Textiles assessment happened today - if I try to be clever I could put some photos of my costume on here. If anyone can give me SIMPLE, STEP-BY-STEP instructions...it might happen. I'm very proud of it though. A lot of grief but worth it in the end...I think :)
Dad started it yesterday by puliing out the fridge to clean and dust it. Hadn't happened for 5 years. That's too long. Scary the amount of dust that floats around.
So to celebrate that I had finished, I cleaned and scrubbed the griller, cooked the tea and cleaned bits of the bathroom, not in that order. Cleaning during semester is just another way of procrastinating, so I have a build up of 'cleaning energy'. The oven is tomorrow...Raach, I don't know if you keep your place clean (well, I'm sure it's neat) but i think at this time, if it we me, it would be...not so clean.
Uni takes up so much time and energy, but I don't need to tell anyone at Uni that. You all know that for yourself. But life is good really.
Saw Madagascar with Cam Sat. night, which was nice. Saw Ryan and was FINALLY able to say congrats on his engagement to Mieke. So cool!!!
Scary when you actually sit down and think - what is there worth (or things I can remember) putting down?? Hmmm. It's all about me...and it shouldn't be. More to life than that!
Anyone who reads this, I hope you are good, and if you live far away, hopefully I can see you soon!