From Asia to Oceania

Apr 10, 2015 11:53

“August 2014 - Dear Singapore, It is almost 6 a.m., and I am leaving for the airport in just a few hours. And before this day ends, I would be on a different place - well, a different continent really - a place where I have never been to and don't know anyone. I am leaving you. It was like a breakup unimaginable to fathom but in the end as everyone say, all must go on and move forward.

I find myself squeezing the entire 4.5 years of my life spent with you in a 60kg baggage plus 13kg excess, leaving some part of me that I think I could live without for the next half a year or so. Up to the last minute, the idea still hasn't sink in at all. It’s as if I am just packing for a weekend getaway to wherever part of the globe. It never really hit me not until last night - my last night - that I would be leaving my second home of barely half a decade.

I spent my last few weeks taking the same bus to work and walking the same route going home, imagining making my farewell music video for you, with that sadness and fear that it might take me so long to go back. Funny how a place left a mark that will forever be engraved in you, while on the other hand, it just needs to keep going and could go on without you.

Truth is, I never knew whether I could stay forever; yet at the same time I never saw an end in sight, never saw us parting ways. I still can’t believe that I am leaving.

I am still not ready, a hundred percent. Yet another 30-something crazy dweeb never knowing what is in store for her in a new place somewhere in a new face of the earth. But whatever will be, will be. Let’s get it on and face life heads-on…”

I remembered writing that, seven months back. I was headed to an unknown place somewhere in the middle of the Indian and Pacific Ocean. It was the day of my flight from Singapore to Perth. When I arrived, it was close to the end of the winter, and I, being not a fan of the cold, found myself more homesick to the warm weather in Asia. And did I mention that most shops close at 5:30? I was used to roaming around the busy streets of Singapore or Manila until the late hours. When I found out that I couldn’t do grocery shopping or at least eat out later than 5:30, I was shouting on top of my head “What is this place, a ghost town? I wanna go baaaaaack!” I wanted to book an early return flight, pack my things up and go back right away.

But I gave it time. I gave you time. They say, sometimes all you need is a second chance, because time wasn’t ready for the first one.  And indeed, it is true. Life in Perth or WA per se, is not enclosed in the busy streets of Murray or St. George’s Terrace or the nightlife in Northbridge. You offer something more. Your unique charm lies on your beautiful parks, beaches, wildlife, camping sites, wineries, fishing spots, bushwalk and bike trails.

Weekends are meant for spending time with friends and family for dinner, drinks, footy or a barbie. It could also be days spent by yourself relaxing and snuggling onto your duvet while catching up on your favorite series or reading a book. Or it could just be driving up some place unknown and getting lost.

After half a year of stay, I must say that I am getting used to the laidback kind of your lifestyle - not there yet, but getting there. So hell yeah, Hello Perth! I hope one day, you would leave a mark on me just how Singapore has left me with one. You’re my third home now and I’m looking forward to spending more time knowing you even better. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms. And cheers to more adventures out there - a pint or a middy is on me for our next arvo trip to the pub. *fist bump

perth, australia

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