Dear Singapore

Aug 11, 2014 05:48

It is almost 6 a.m., and I am leaving for the airport in just a few hours. And before this day ends, I would be on a different place - well, a different continent really - a place where I have never been to and don't know anyone. I am leaving you. It was like a breakup unimaginable to fathom but in the end as everyone say, all must go on and move forward.

I find myself squeezing the entire 4.5 years of my life spent with you in a 60kg baggage plus 13kg excess, leaving some part of me that I think I could live without for the next half a year or so. Up to the last minute that, the idea still hasn't sink in at all. It’s as if I am just packing for a weekend getaway to wherever part of the globe. It never really hit me not until last night, my last night, that I would be leaving my second home for barely five years.

I spent my last few weeks taking the same bus to work and walking the same route going home, imagining making my farewell music video for you, with that sadness and fear that it might take me so long to go back.
Funny how a place left a mark that will forever be engraved in you, while on the other hand, it just needs to keep going and could go on without you.

You were the one who taught me that my $5 has a long way to go and can actually buy me a meal and a drink in hawkers; and having IKEA next door means bringing home a life-size wooden Lego blocks to assemble; and getting poor every quarter is inevitable because of IT sales and whatever mall sale per se. Because of you, I managed to memorize every nook and cranny of Universal Studios and other touristy spots. With you, I felt safe walking the sidewalks in the wee hours in the morning and being dependent in the efficiency of the transport system. And did I just say that I love you because of your parks? Yeah, because of that, I learned how to ride a bike, finally after 30 years.
Truth is, I never knew whether I could stay forever; yet at the same time I never saw an end in sight, never saw us parting ways. I still can’t believe that I am leaving.

Singapore, you’ve really taught me so much. I came to this country having four or five friends, and yet after almost half a decade, you gave me a bunch that was so hard to leave. You showered me good and true friends - from office colleagues, friends of friends, yoga classmates and Zumba buddies - people who became essential in keeping me sane even away from my family. I learned that these people regardless of my flaws and hang-ups, still truly love me no matter what, and are willing to support whatever plan I may have for the future.

I am still not ready, a hundred percent. Yet another 30-something crazy dweeb never knowing what is in store for her in a new place somewhere in a new continent. But whatever will be, will be. Let’s get it on and face life heads-on.

But one thing’s for sure, I owe a lot to you Singapore - from the lessons on life to the friendships made to lessons about independence to superb office camaraderie - those things I will keep and carry with me to wherever I may go.

And for all those things, super Thank You!

life in singapore

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