Jan 22, 2006 00:59

Twas the night before Denver, when all through the town,
Steeler fans were ready for the Broncos to go down;
The flags and banners were all hung with care,
In hopes of Detroit, with the Steelers there;
The players were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Super Bowl danced in their heads;
With Cowher in charge, I had a night cap,
And settled down for one more night's nap;
When up at Mile High there arose such a clatter,
Bronco fans wondered just what was the matter;
For at the stadium there was a great flash,
Someone had entered with no ticket, no cash;
The moon on the breast of the mountains of snow,
Gave the luster of mid-day to the man standing below;
When what to their wondering eyes should appear,
Who this man was, it became quite clear;
The smoke from his cigar made the air gloomy,
But they knew in a moment that it was Art Rooney;
He held the team roster, the plan of attack,
Big Ben to Hines Ward or the Bus in the back;
He saw in the defense a curtain of steel,
If they can't sack Jake the Snake then nobody will;
Troy will cover the field, he'll be everywhere,
I'm telling you Broncos, you better beware;
His long locks of hair will flow in the breeze,
He'll catch Jake's passes with the greatest of ease;
Mr. Rooney walked the sideline; he paced to and fro,
He wore black and gold from his head to his toe;
A terrible towel he held oh so tight,
As he looked to the heavens on that cold Denver night;
Then the words that he spoke left all feeling quite numb,
Lord get us to Detroit and my one for the thumb!!!

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