You will respect my AUTHORI-TAY!

Jul 03, 2008 18:27

So, teaching is actually pretty god damn tiring. I only do it for 4.5 hours a day (6 on Saturday), but I come home and I don't have the energy to do much of anything.

Except micromanage every facet of my Sims' lives. In order to ensure a sufficient level of attractiveness in the "Alvereaux" family, I've decided to institute a policy of selective breeding, whereby the successors of my starter couple will interbreed with attractive Sims I create. I don't want to play with ugly Sims!

It's shocking how mindlessly easy it is to micromanage a person's (albeit simulated) life. Probably a lot less stressful then giving them "free will" when GOD DAMN IT, the carpool is here, turn that TV OFF!
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