It's not every morning...

Apr 20, 2011 19:11

...that you wake up and find out you own 3 acres of mineral rights in Oklahoma. So, my great grandmother apparently inherited 12 acres of mineral rights from her parents. This is something that my family never knew about and a secret she took to the grave with her in '87. My family always thought she might have money or something tucked away somewhere, we were never sure though. Anyways, this morning I received a call from someone representing an oil company or some such. She was ready to give up as she has been trying for a while to get in touch with any one in the family. Long story short myself, my brother, and my 2 cousins are all part owners of 12 acres & change, and this company wants to lease the rights to the minerals, if they find what their looking for we also get royalties from it. Whats this mean for me? It may mean nothing, they may lease it, find nothing, & I make a few thousand dollars, or they may find a sizable oil deposit & I'll never have to worry about money again.
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