Aug 11, 2004 02:03
Have you ever 01.Kissed your cousin: I tried to but failed miserably
02.Run away: From people yes!
03.Pictured your crush naked: Many of times
04.Actually seen your crush naked: yes indeed
05.Broken someone's heart: Indeed I have! I am a bad person
06.Eaten a Koala Bear?: VEGAN!!!! So no.
07.Been in love: a few times
08.Cried when someone died: Lots of times this year
09.Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: I am a Man yes I am!
10. Broken a bone: Ankle, wrist, my sister’s arm
11. Drank alcohol: I have drunk way more than you!
12. Lied: Never
W H I C H* I S* B E T T E R*
13. COKE OR PEPSI: Coke is for morons Pepsi but I prefer Jolt or Jones
14. GIRLS OR GUYS: Depends. Honestly they both suck
15. FLOWERS OR CANDY: I give flowers but I’d rather have Jelly Bellies
16. SCRUFF OR CLEAN SHAVEN: Scruff fucker! If it bothers you boo fucking hoo
18. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES: Redheads for ever! Blondes are yucky
19. SOCCER OR FOOTBALL: Hockey Eh! Duh you hoser!
20. PANTS OR SHORTS: Shorts from 5/1-9/30 pants from 10/1-4/30
21. HUGS OR KISSES: XOXO I like both
*O P P O S I T E* S E X*
23. LAST PERSON YOU SLOW DANCED WITH: Leah in the kitchen
24. WORST QUESTION TO BE ASKED: to many to answer that
*T H E* L A S T* T I M E*
25. SHOWERED: few days ago those dreaded Wednesdays and Saturdays also known as shower days I hate them
26. HOOKED UP: in the car behind McDonald’s 2 hours ago
*W H A T *I S*
28. YOUR GOOD LUCK CHARM: My half dollar in my pocket
29. PERSON YOU HATE MOST : Kelly Blauvelt
*F A V O R I T E S*
31. COLOR: Black Purple
32.TOP 5 MOVIES: Empire Strikes Back, Fight Club, Goonies, Road Warrior, and Star Wars 33. BOOK: Get in the van 34. JUICE: Jamba Juice, Mango Tango
35. CAR: Brenda!!! My 98 Honda Civic Hatchback
36. ICE CREAM: Vegan. Soy Dream no specific flavor I’m not that into it anyway cause it’s expensive
37. HOLIDAY: Christmas Mother Fucker!!!!!
38. SEASON: Spring in Mass Winter in Cali
39. BREAKFAST FOOD: PLOYES from Town Diner or just hash browns
*B E S T*
40. COLOGNE: Axe only (If it wasn’t for lady friend I would rarely shower dirty punk all the way!!!) Never any expensive stuff
41. PERFUME: Smells good on Lady friend
42. KISS: Lady friend
43. ROMANTIC MEMORY: The day I arrived on lady friend’s door step 44. MOST RECENT ADVICE GIVEN TO YOU: Don’t put us on the flyer for the show- Bill Toxic
*H A V E* Y O U*
45. Fallen for your best friend?:Yes it definently sucks ass 46. Kissed JUST a friend?: no kissing for me if it’s not leading somewhere it’s a waste of time if it is just for no reason
47. Been rejected?: Everyday of my life
48. Been in love?: once or twice
49. Been in lust?: I am Man yes I am
50: Used someone?: She got hers
51. Been used?: I got mine
52. Cheated on someone?: Yep few times
53. Been cheated on?: Depends on your opinion and mine says yes
54. Been kissed?: more than a few times by a few people
55. Done something you regret?: The funny thing about regret is that it’s better to regret something you have done than something you haven’t done and by the way if you see your mother this weekend be sure and tell her SATAN SATAN SATAN
*W H O* W A S *T H E* L A S T *P E R S O N*
56. You touched?: Lady friend
57. You talked to?: Same-O
58. You hugged?: Sameasaurous
59. You instant messaged?: Emo Ben!
60. You laughed at: I laugh at Balboner cause he can be such a fucking moron sometimes 61. You yelled at?: Lady the pooh
62. You laughed with?: Lady friend, Jay, and Casper 63. Who broke your heart?: Samantha Franklin, and another girl who knows who she is that will remain anonymous
64. Who told you they loved you?: Lady friend, Camden
*D O *Y O U*
65. Color your hair?: Used to but I shave it all off now
66. Have tattoos?:one or two I think 67.Have piercing?: 5
69. Own a web cam?: Nope
70. Own a thong?: Never
71. Ever get off the computer?: Never there's to much to look at
*H A V E* Y O U */* D O*Y O U* / *A R E* Y O U*
72. Stolen anything?: yes siree sticky fingers I be but you got to fuck with me for it to happen to you now
73. Smoke?: I’m only having fun getting Stoned
74. Schizophrenic? : Indeed I am
75. Obsessive? : My Records, Toxic Narcotic live, and Ganja
76. Compulsive? : yessiree
77. Obsessive compulsive? : one. Two. One. Two . three. Don’t know what you want to be don’t know what you wanna be ya don’t know nothing 78. Panic?: Every fuckin day of my life
79. Anxious? : I get very anxious
80. Depressed?: Yes and very severely at that
81. Suicidal? : I think it often but I’d never do it 82. Obsessed with hate? : 5 billion people must die.
83. Dream of mutilated bodies? : see above
84. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? : I’m a human racist cause people fucking suck 85. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? : A town/state place California or just inside Lady friend
86. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: Crack my boner 87. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: lips
88. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: Fuck yeah she’d do it 10 times better
89. Would you marry for money?: Depends on who and how much and for how long
90. Have you had braces?: Yes and I cut them off with pliers cause they sucked ass
91. Do you like hairy backs? No. not at all. I want Lady friend to shave mine now.
92. When was the last time you gave someone a present?: Dinner and a punk rock show.
93. Could you live without a computer?: It would definitely be hard
94. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc.?: Aol only.
95. If so, how many people are on your list?: somewhere around ten but I only talk to about 4 of them 96. If you could live in the past, when?: Definitely 1989-1992 97. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: I usually take my converse off the second I get home 98. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: It’s all about the Roasted Garlic Bread (emo ben knows what im talking about)
99. What is your favorite place to visit?: Six Flags motherfucker!
100. What is the last movie you saw?: Attack of the clones- on demand Napoleon Dynamite in the theatre 101. Do you kiss on the first date?: Never been on a real date. But I would 102. Are you photogenic?: No (im damn sexy though!)
103. Do you dream in color or black and white?: I dream in color
104. Wearing fingernail polish?: Always black and toenail polish too
105. Is it chipped or fresh?: Always chipped
106. Do you have any dimples?: Can’t say I do 107. Do you remember being born?: Being born is gross
108. Why do you take surveys?: cause its fun to waste time.
109. Do you drink alcohol?: If I’m mad enough Indeed I will
110. Did you like or do you not like high school? : It was the four worst years of my life. Followed by the 9 worst years of my life (except Camden)