Hi everybody!!! Are you ready for another quite long Colonna's update ??
It's Giada birthday AGAIN
She celebrates in swim-siute..
Henry plays the Vuvuzelas, Eva and Vanessa remain indifferent...
.. and she remains exctly the same ^_^'''
But let's go to important thing...
Do you remember Eva sad Yes to Henry proposal and they will be marryed sooner or later?
Well today is later ^_^
So I gave a Wedding Party in the back-garden,
just close to the Cow Plant !!!
Have a look to Alberto very casual look !!!
Vanessa walking like a boss and doesn't giving a crap of her parents Big Day,
what an attitude!!
And now some sweet pics of the cerimony <3<3<3
Eva didn't lose her actrativiry on Henry afterall ^_^
What do you decide Eva? Do you want to marry him?
EVA: I do! Afterall I'm quite an elder,
I've got three sons from him which is a good father
and I don't even have to care about my children thanks to him ...
The inviteds actually attending to cerimony
even if nobody sit on the chairs I bought just for this occasion
exchanging of the rings =)
While someone is more concerned about Drinks,
and No, he is not the barman..
And now you are Wife and Husband
(I've never wait so long for celebrate a Wedding in the sims !!)
Is that girl sit with the Vuvuzela the daughter of this old Vuvuzelas player!! ^_^''
Obviously after the Cerimony Henry is the one whoi has to clean all up!!
He's neat afterall =)
And now another event!!
Twins Birthday!!!
Vuvuzelas AGAIN -_-''
Nerd !!!
A Make over has to be done, NOW!!!!
So here we have Vanessa, which is an Animal Party
and her LFT is something about gave magnificent parties..
and Alberto wich is a family-oriented sim and I think he wants a sucesfull lineage,
I'll tell you better on the HEIR POLL next time ;)
Vanessa immediately run in the street to meet this guy!!
We need to know a LOT of people to give extraordinary party
kill me now
And here we have Giada came back from her first day of work,
she's in the intertainment career now, I'm gonna chose instrumental side for her =)
Father and sons dinner, such an idilliac scene..
I check out the relationship..
Twins are BF one of each other and they are very good friends of Giada and Henry
wich are BF themselfes ^_^''
Giada is officially daddy's girl
And Eva?
She has a good relationship with Henry,
THAT'S ALL -_-''
Even if the twins didn't do anything all day and she's exauxyed for hard wprk,
Giada is the one who always clean up when Henry is at work,
or so exauxted he can't even stand from bed since I expolit him a lot ^_^''
NO!!! My COw Plant died!!!! I'm gonna miss you so much ='(
EVA: Hi Giada!! So how is it going at work?
GIADA: you are speaking to me? Are you all righe ??? 0_0
Now she's an adult Eva riconsidered her daughter =)
ALBERTO: I'm fucking hawesome ;)
Yes you are pretty, but also pretty boring and useless....
ALBERTO: so I'm not gonna be the Heir??
If it was for me no... but since we have a HEIR POLL soon you can try to fashinate our readers,
Good luck!!!
Vanessa, how it's going with Heir competiton!
VANESSA: don't care, we have a pool finally!!!
Somebody isn't play well hers cards, but I like her anyway =)
Giada finally reach a good level in violin skill and now listen to her music is nice =)
GIADA: So you didn't like it before?? =(
Of course honey, I love everything you do
I can maybe or maybe not have a preference for Giada, but I like also Vanessa..
But since I don't wanna keep the scheme of chosing always my first born for the Heir,
this time I'm gonna have an Heir Poll,
I Swear!!!
But look at her!! She's amazing!!! <3<3<3
Guess what?? Eva is fighting!!!
and bithcing..
and fighting..
and bithcing AGAIN!!
Yes that one is Diego bytheway
Here it is Vanessa's room, I moved her at first floor with Vanessa..
...who spend her life playing violin everywhere,
and when she's not playing autonomosly I force her, we need a promotion!!
This is autonomous 100%
I can't never turn and then I always find Henry hugging the kids =)
GIADA: I'm home!!
VANESSA: you look terrible!!
GIADA: I had an hard day at work.. How was at school?
VANESSA: I didn't go, there was a test
VANESSA: yeah.. I love to be ME ;)
HENRY: I've heard you skkeped school and there was a test..
VANESSA:You took that good!! I knew you'r the best Dad in the world!!!
HENRY:Ehm... Yes I know , I'm fantastic ;)
Henry is this the way?? You were suposed to punish her!!
HENRY: But she sayd I'm the best Daddy in the World..
Oh damn, you are so silly -_-'''
EVA: so you are my son...
ALBERTO: Yes madame
EVA: are you evil..?
ALBERTO: Nope, family oriented
EVA: Oh dear God!!!
I sent the kids to the park so Giada can give a concert
and the Twins could socialized,
but they are not choosing the company I was hoping for...
Vanessa sit in swim-suit next a gardener..
and Alberto next this old creept guy..
ALBERTO: he ios nice, he asked me to go home with him to eat his candies..
Alberto RUN!!!
Lukily the creepy went out and Alberto met this teen to socialized with..
Giada is searching fot a potential partner..
first she start playing with this baset.guy..
Then I saw this pretty-cowboy..
So let's inroduce to him =)
But then he decided to òay down with Vanessa 0_0
But I didn't lost hopes, so I sent Giada at the lounge bar with a group of people
potential pretendents
And I choose the Cow-boy
but first look at Giada's face!!!
GIADA: is this idiot listening to me or he still thinking about Vanessa?!?!
Cow-boy:Hi, I talked before to your sister to know if you are single..
GIADA: Sounds like a creep... maybe I should leave..
Cow-boy:No!!! Wait!! Is only that I was nervous talking to you,
so your sister came to me saing you were searching for someone...
GIADA: That's imbarassing..
Cow-boy:Ok, what do you say if we just start rom beginning? Hi I am SImone =)
GIADA: I'm Giada
Cow-boy: Giada can I offer you a drink?
They spent a good night together..
SIMONE :Giada, it has been a very beautyfull date, can I see you again...?
GIADA: A date..? Yes shure..
SIMONE :Good night then..
GIADA: Simone wait..
And finaly Happened: Giada FIRST KISS!!
Poor girl I made her exercitate so much with violin, she never had time to date boys,
they were horrible bytheway, so we did'nt miss anything
Giada also played a serenade for Simone <3<3<3
Baset-boy: I'm gonna die alone
First: depilate you face, second you rejected Giada before
(I didn't took pics cause I was to busy being furious and insulting him ^_^''')
Oh look!!! Even the pink music with little hearts!!! <3<3<3
GIADA: So Dad I met a man...
HENRY: A MAN??? ='(
Oh you guys!! STOP IT!!! I need a donor for generation 3!!!
Next day Twins went to school, Eva and Henry were at work, so Giada invited Simone ^_^
GIADA:Yeah!! Free home!!
SIMONE :So do you wanna go in the pool? Or at the park or..
GIADA:Shut up and follow me!!!
And they DID IT!!!
I am still distraught by Simone's pijamas 0_0
Come on man seriously?? A yanger girls invites you in her bed and you put on that thing?!?!?
By the way Simone is an adult and Giada a Yang adult so tis mean:
1- We have to hurry up to procreate
2- Henry is not gonna take well his little girl is going out with an elder men (who has actually his age...)
Ok. this is the end of the update, and of Generation 1 too!!!
Stay tuned, we'll have an Heir Poll soon and I NEED someone to VOTE ^_^'''
Good night =)