Colonna's Legacy 1.2

Mar 27, 2015 21:11

Last time we left Eva coming back home ALONE, in this update she will find love <3<3<3

Eva is going out with this boy for a while, since I don't remember his name let's call him Diego.
He is very hot, but he is also kind of a jerk, cause when Eva flirt with him you'll never know if
he wil be filrting back or refuse her and being a completely asshole

Tonight it seems to be a good date..

Eva blow kisses...

He stays at the game..

But then Diego decided that he was tired and he wanted go home (at 9.0 p.m. seriously??)
So Eva sit down talking with this guy: HENRY DUPONT
(I know the cover spoilers up the final, but let's pretend we don't know anything ^_^''')

AH I've almost forget: Henry and Diego (whose name is not Diego by the way) are not mine,
I downloaded them from the gallery cause the men around there were awfull -_-''
Unfortunately I don't remember who create them, Sorry =(

They start to talk, Eva wasn't bitching like she used to..

Henry could't take his eyes out of her...

And they had a very good time together...
EVA: I want to get Diego jealous, I'm gonna cheat him with this alternative-with a strange sense of fashion- guy
HENRY:She's the mother of my sons <3<3<3
ME: Poor Henry, Eva you are a monster
And they had a very good time together...
EVA: Come on, I can't stay with a guy who dressed like this, it will be a one-night thing!!
ME: Whatever, I just need a donator, then make what you want, you are not getting younger honey..
EVA: Oh shut up!!

They danced all night long and then...

They kissed..

again and again..

EVA: Let's go at my "place"
ME: babies, babies, babies!!!

Aren't they cute???? <3<3<3

Then Henry came up with an unexpected question:
HENRY:Eva I know we only know each other for one night, but I feel I love you, Do you wanna be my girlfriend?
EVA: Let's run away , he's crazy!!
ME: Come on, it's normal for you Sims, and we have not much time left for get an heir!!
EVA: Mmm.. ok, let's say yes..

I love how they react when they start a relathionship,
but they also seems a little bit stupid to me ^_^'''

EVA: Since we are doing this thing, it will better to the things good
ME: Take yourself a room!!!

EVA: From now on you are my slave
HENRY: Yes owner
ME: -_-'''

EVA: Good boy
ME: He is not a dog!!!

Even if Eva likes to think she is the boss, actually Henry brought in 20.000 Simonleon,
so I''ve been able to build a nice house =)

The outside is still empty cause I run out of money and they are broke AGAIN now ^_^''

At least the Panorama is good =)

And now an house tour:
kitchen and diningroom

diningroom and livingroom



and the Horse scuptulre Eva made with her hated workbench ^_^

Eva immediately decided to set on fire the new kitchen, Damn you!!!
EVA: Oh my God!!! Help!!!!

Fortunately for us Henry run and extinguishes the fire
ME: Henry I love you!!!
EVA: Maybe he is not so bad
HENRY:too concentrated in being an hero !!

And now i finished this update by describing Henry:

Henry Dupont:
A buddy neat hot-head who wanna be Friend of the World.

So we have a Snob and Wicked with a Buddy
2 hot head sims
a Public Enemy with a Friend of the World.

I think we will have fun ^_^''

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