Oct 06, 2006 10:58
Well, kids, it's official. I'm sick. I was feeling better, but today it moved into my sinuses and I'm fucked. I'm committed to just watching movies and drinking water tonight. I know it sounds boring, but drinking water is one of my most favorite of pasttimes, so don't judge me...punks.
My parents and brother are visiting me tomorrow which will be very nice.We'll rock it out Saturday and Sunday. Maybe we'll go to the zoo or Niagara Falls depending on how I'm feeling. I guess it's good that I'm getting sick for the long weekend because I'm not really doing much, but I want to do stuff with my family too. Meh. Oh well.
I really need to work in the library on upcoming stuff on Monday when no one will be around. Then on Tuesday I need to come into the office for a while and get ahead on stuff. If I actually do these things, the coming busy-as-fuck two weeks will seem much better.
I'll end with the fact that I was told today that I'm so cognitive with everything, and that it might be good for me to go with my gut more often instead of thinking everything to death. I think that's a good point except I don't even know how to go with my gut or even what my gut is saying. Also, my gut's probably a lying conniving bastard that just wants to see me miserable. Oh goodness, something does need to give though. I'm sick of always thinking.
I'm going to try the not thinking approach. Any time I start to analyze my life, I'm going to stop and make myself do something else. Then maybe my gut can start getting a word in edgewise.