I just purchased my very first car, people. It's mine and I'm ridiculously excited. I keep telling people about it, and no one seems to care as much as me. No matter, I can't even wait to get it tomorrow or Tuesday. It's a white 2002 Mazda Protege. It has 57,000 miles on it, is super clean inside and out, and pretty much is the best thing ever. Proteges are really good on gas, so I'll be saving money with the gas-rape that is going on right now. I'm only paying $7,900 out-the-door for it which kicks so much ass, because Mazdas are really good cars. This thing should last me for quite a long time. They just need to fix a sound it was making and it's all mine. I can hardly stand the anticipation.
Not too much is going on that's different from my last update, so I'll tell you all a story...
I was working at the Commonest of Grounds last week when one of the regulars came up for his 3rd vanilla latte. He must be about 60 years old with a gray ponytail, and he's completely burned out from the 60's and 70's. Sometimes he'll just start laughing at the counter, but what's important here is that he's a complete idiot. He likes to come up to the counter or over to other customers' tables and talk and talk about his idiotic bullshit. Anyhow, he starts talking to me about how AIDS is a way of punishing people. The minute he said "deviant homo sex" I pretty much decided I wasn't considering his opinion anymore. He goes on to say that the people in Africa have such a problem with AIDS because they won't wear the "rubbers" that we give them. At this point I stopped mmmhhmmming, and said, "I don't think that's true." To which he said (and I quote), "They have nothing better to do all day than have sex." Quaaaaaa? I said, "Ummm, I don't think boredom is problem. I'm pretty sure that they're trying really hard to just survive." To which he said, "If they didn't sit around in their huts all day thinking about sex, AIDS wouldn't be a problem." Thank God, you figured it out, blown-out hippie man. All of these years, we've had it all wrong. It's so simple. We just need to give them more to do. How about we stick them in diamond mines for 15 hours a day or encourge more rebel groups to terrorize them. That way they'll either be working or running for their lives. Or better yet, let's just start up slavery again to bring them all over to the holy land of the US of A. We don't have any problems here. Like you said, "That's why we're called the 1st world and they're called the 3rd world." Brilliance...sheer brilliance.
Also, check out pretty much the cutest video of all time here