Apr 09, 2006 13:48
OK so its been almost almost 6 months since my last update should prolly write something, not that anyone who doesnt know me knows how things are going, but hey there may be some out there that dont or actually care about ya know if im alive and stuff. So where to begin hmmmm. Well im a college graduate now been that way since about december have to associates degrees now, got one in reiligon and the other in take a guess...yup history. Going to graduate with my bachelors in about a year or so depending on my course load. So lets see what else I turn 22 in less then 2 weeks, and i realized something im no longer a youth i mean im young but im not a youth anymore so that is sinking in. Got told im the emotional tampon of the group of friends i hang with, now ther weird thing about this is i dont know if i agree with it, I mean ya people ask for my advice but rarely follow it so yeah i dont htink i like that term or even agree with it.
On to a more depressing matter, I have a quesiton for all of you out there in LJ land, do i get ignored I mean i know im a dick and i prolly border on the asshole level but still, I get this feeling alot that specailly since Zach has gone east to fight in the "Crusade", that i really am just not seen or talked to anymore. Now i know im jsut being paranoid but hey even the freaks get one right every now and then. Ok done with the depressing part.
Aother note did an inventory of my bookds that i own including the ones at my apartment and at my mothers house and if i lump history books and reiligon books into the same pile i have roughly 97% books of that scholarly sway and the rest are random game books and Fiction novels. Oh well im done with tis update ill trya dn update more now that i actually have become self aware of the fact that i am a dick and i live for my hubris as well as thrive of of negative energy and i want people's imput on how things should get done before im start or finish.