Picspam: Roger's 2nd round win

Jan 21, 2010 10:00


Roger has no trouble making it through his 2nd round match with Hanescu. Which is good, because his 1st round match was totally WTF ROGER??. On to round 3 against Montanes.

So eff'ing pretty. How? How??

Yeah, Baby, show me the callous.

Flirting with Jim.

A rare sighting of Happy!Mirka. She usually keeps her game face in place at matches. This was during the post-match interview with Jim. Roger was talking about marriage and the babies. And like a good husband, he kept looking to her for approval. She gave it.

Yeah, Baby, show me the package! Grrrrrrrrr. Stupid towel.

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On court interview with Jim Courior about babies and marriage. Sorry, it was removed from youtube. Communist bastards.

* * * *

roger, 2010: ao, babies

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