Picspam: Qatar Exhibition match: Flying Carpet Edition

Jan 03, 2010 20:58

Rafa and Roger playing tennis on a Flying Carpet??? Are you fucking kidding me? I don't care how cliched it is or hoaky it is or how much marketing went into this scheme.

It's pure PICSPAM GOLD!!!

"It was fun to play Rafa on yet another stage, we have had so many battles on a lot of different courts but this was the first time for anyone to play on a magic carpet," said world No. 1 and reigning ATP World Tour champion Federer.


Flying Carpet

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And there's a very short vid of the event.

image Click to view

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That's it, kids. I don't care what happens the rest of the tennis season. It don't get no better then this.

. . . .

roger & rafa, roger, 2010: qatar exxonmobile open, quotes, rafa

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