Picspam: Rafa & Pears

Nov 24, 2009 12:01

Rafa lost his first RR. That makes me sad. The fact that it was The Evil One Who Shall Not Be Named that beat him makes me sadder. So, let's ignore that match and concentrate on the Happy Stuff.

Rafa went on a tear in 2005, winning just about every tournament he entered. He won the Abierto Mexicano De Tenis Acapulco tournament but then left his trophy in a taxi. So at WTF, the tournament director for AMDTA presented Rafa with a duplicate of The Pear.

And here's the original:

* * * *

If you google the tournament name you will find that the winners sometimes wear this big sombrero. I cannot find a Rafa Sombrero pic. Do you have one? It would be tooo cute.

2005: tournaments, rafa

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