Fic: and Time Marches On

Nov 02, 2009 21:41

Title: And Time Marches On
Characters: Toni Nadal, Rafa Nadal
Rated: G
Disclaimer: Lies. All of it.
Word Count: about 750

Summary: Set in the future. Toni shakes up Rafa's world a little bit. Maybe more then just a little. Pure fluff and nonsense.


“You can stop pouting and giving me the silent treatment. It’s not going to change my mind.” Toni sat at the table, pushed his plate of food away, and gave his nephew a steady gaze.

Rafa frowned and pushed himself up and out of his chair. He began to pace around the room. It was a nervous habit his uncle had never been able to break him of. He stopped and glared at his uncle. Started to speak, shook his head, and began to pace again.

“Rafael sit down. This isn’t easy for me either, you know.”

Rafa knew there was no point in arguing with his Uncle but he wasn‘t ready to admit defeat.

Rafa stopped and stood with his hands on his hips. “You can’t do this. You can’t just stop. It’s not…”

“Don’t you dare say it’s not fair,” Toni shot up from his seat. He strode over to Rafael, pushed into his personal space. “I’ve taught you all these years that everything that happens serves as an opportunity. There’s nothing fair or not fair. You make the most of what is given to you.” He was raising his voice now, something he hadn’t wanted to do. This wasn’t easy for Rafa, he knew that. Rafa thrived on routine and order and family. He took a steady breath.

Rafa’s face began to crumple. “But Tio, you can’t retire. Please! You can’t leave me!”

Toni wrapped his arms around Rafa and hugged him tight.

“Rafael, I’m old. I’m tired. I want to stay out late drinking, sleep in late. I want to lay on the beach all day. I want to chase women around while I still have a little energy left.” They both smiled.

“Tio, you don’t drink. You’ve never slept in later then 7am in your life. And you hate the beach.” He smiled fondly at his uncle. He would never even begin to know what sacrifices this man had made for him all these years. He was a father to him. He loved him with all his heart.

“It‘s going to be alright, Rafael, you‘ll see. And besides, I have already got a new coach lined up for you.”

“What! Who? I do not even get a say in this?” Rafa feigned anger, but he was smiling.

“Of course you get the final say.”

“Who is it? Someone I know?” Rafa began to make a quick mental list of men that Toni would approve of, who might be available. It was a very short list.

“You’ve known him for years. He‘s the best I‘ve ever seen. Retired about a year ago, but just can‘t stay out of the game. And the two of you have a lot in common. He’s as stubborn as you are. Talented, too. Maybe more then you.“ Toni winked. “And you‘re both full of yourselves.”

“Hey!” He punched Toni in the arm, good naturedly.

Toni smiled and held up his hands. “And before you start asking any more questions, I’m not saying another word about who it might be. I asked him to come over today. You‘ll meet him soon enough.”

Rafa began to eat, but his mind was going a million miles a minute. A new coach. But who? Someone his uncle trusted. Someone his uncle respected. He shook his head. He just couldn’t come up with anyone.

Rafa rolled his eyes, grabbed his chest and let out a groan. “Tio, you are killing me here, you know it, right?”

Toni smiled fondly at his nephew. “It’s all going to work out. You’ll see. He’s coming by later today. I want you on your best behavior, young man. None of that cheeky talk of yours. And don’t think you can…”

Rafa rolled his eyes. “Toni, I am twenty-seven. Not seven!”

Rafael’s heart squeezed up tight. He was going to miss his Tio Toni more then he could ever tell him. No one could take his place.

* * * *

A few hours later, Rafa was on his bed, watching Real Madrid, dozing slightly. He heard a knock at the hotel door. His uncle answered it. Through his sleepy haze he heard a man’s voice. Something familiar about the sound of it. An accent he couldn’t quite place.

He sprang up. This must be the man Toni had told him about. He smoothed down his clothes, ran his hand through his hair and hoped he didn’t say anything stupid. He stepped out into the other room, spotted the man, and stopped dead in his tracks. The man smiled at him and gave a shy wave.

Toni was grinning. “Rafael, I want you to meet your new coach, Roger Federer.”

~ fin ~

my fic, wrisomifu

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