LJ Help Please!

Oct 05, 2009 21:23

Me and LJ have a love/hate relationship. I hate the LJ FAQ and it loves to taunt me by giving glimpses of info I need, but never quite letting me have it all.

~ rolls eyes ~

So can someone give me a little tutorial help here? What I want is a banner for my lj. Or at the very least, just to post a pic across the top of my LJ> I have been able to use the FAQ to figure out how to put a pic on the background of my layout. But my lj entries are covering it up. I need to figure out how to move the entries down so that they aren't covering the background pic. Any suggestions?

~ shakes fist at LJ ~

Tio Toni says he is very disappointed in me and that I should get back into that FAQ and try harder. I'm trying, Toni, I swear it!

lj tutorial

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