Untitled smallish fic

Aug 23, 2009 12:23

Title: ?
Rated: G
pairing: Roger/Rafa
Warning: Total Fluff Overload
Disclaimer: Fabrications and alterations of real life events to suit my twisted purposes.

Note: During the commentary of Rafa's semifinal match with Djokovic, Darrin Cahill & Brad Gilbert both noticed the big band-aide on Rafa's stomach. This is my explaination for it.

Set as a phone conversation between Roger and Rafa, shortly after that match. Inspired by the pics below.

* * * *

"Rogelio, I lose."

"Yeah, I watched. You ok?"

"Yeah, sure, it was tough match. Djokovic, he play very good."

"Yes, he did. You made a good comeback in the second set.

"Yeah, I think I almost have him there at the end but..."

"Nothing to be worried about. This was a good tournament to get you ready for New York."

"Si. Very tired, though."

"Hey, Cahill and Gilbert made a comment about the band-aide on your stomach. They wondered what was wrong. They hadn't mentioned it all week."

"Idiots. It was there since practice sessions, no? What they say?"

"Neither of them could figure out why you would be wearing it there."

"Rogelio, it your fault! How you able to make the hickey right there, on my stomach? And make it so big?"

"I have skills. Besides, you weren't protesting too much at the time."

"Si, is true, I let you get away with too much. Toni ask me about it and I have to tell him the truth, no? He say to me he gonna kill you when he see you in New York for sure this time."

"Toni doesn't scare me."


"OK, maybe a little. I'll get him some cannollis again. They worked last year, remember?"

"Oh, yes, he very mad at you last year after he find you in his bed."

"Hey! That wasn't my fault! You told me your room was the one on the left."

"Si, sorry about that. But I made it up to you, yes?"

"Yes, you did. Ok, I have to get some sleep now. I'll see you in a few days in New York."

"Yeah, I be there, for sure."

"Hey, Rogelio. Love you."

"Love you too Rafa. 'Night"

* * * *

my fic, 2009: cincinatti

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