May 10, 2010 20:57


JENNY YOU SURPRISED ME!!!! T.T *is very touched*
jl2020 sent a card to me :D :D I'm unable to contain my excitement xD
awwww, you're such a sweetie, seriously, I did not expect this at all, I thought everyone must've been annoyed by my spam already! AND SHO's photograph FELL OUT OF THE ENVELOPE!!! :D :D Awwww <3 <3 awww!!! I will work hard to send more spam mails to the staff when I can haha. SORRY GUYS, BUT YOU KNOW YOU LIKE THEM >=D

You use a PO box!?

Well, sweetpniangel87  is probably caught up in TWITTER land while choco_disco, atrandum and someone else (drea_c  is it you?) are trying to trick me into getting twitter LOL Though I must say that twitter's probably much easier to update you guys regarding whatever stuffies (I've cut some clips, uploaded them and re-encoded some videos guys~ please check, I'm too busy to send spam mail out xD;; esp empire_of_shit  and eggchan ) empire_of_shit 's swamped by work while Sho's boring her out, while enshinge 's "weekend" has turned into a week and a half xD ah I miss you guys :D where are you nicko ? You missed our disney talk. BUAHAHHA. I could seriously end up mentioning just about everybody if I wanted to, but that would be boring so I won't xD

Randomly while typing up this post, my housemate was screaming in the kitchen and called me out.
ATTACK OF THE CREEPY MOTH!!!! LOL We were screaming in the living room like two silly girls and my throat is sore now. Sorry neighbours! :D

Didn't manage to get rid of it, we tried to "kill" it by spraying stuff on it (I had a glass cleaner while she had uhh diluted detol LOL)
No luck. It was so funny because she was standing behind me holding my back while I was standing in front and both of us would scream at every sound the moth made when it flew about D:

Gosh I love these things. I love our apartment, it's so homey. Yet about 30 minutes ago, I was at home freaking myself out because her door kept making creaky noises D: D: that was before she came back. Mate's home now! :D :D 

dyna, arashi, life, project 5x10

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