Our beloved Eito green ranger has a confirmed lead role in his drama ROMES: Kuukou Bougyo System.
He plays a "young man leading a team which expertise in state-of-the-art airport security systems. He and his team are in charge of dealing with threats such as hackers and terrorists." Ah.. does that mean he's a security guard at an airport? *laughs* I'm just kidding really. Yeah, he must be-part-of-some-kind-of-secret-protective-force-against-evil-while-pretending-to-be-a-shoe-shiner-in-public-citizen.
Cool news is, YASUDA SHOTA (24) would be his co-star for the drama! He'd be part of the said security team as well.
The drama will be airing this fall (two dramas to watch yes no? 8D)