Mar 30, 2008 18:30
Ladies and Gentlemen, students, staff, ghosts and portraits, I have a rather important announcement I've been meaning to make for a week now. You see, I've been putting it off. Not for reasons of procrastination, though I am a notorious procrastinator, but because it's both wonderful and depressing news at the same time.
As of the end of the winter term, the last week of December to be precise, I will no longer be the History of Magic Professor here at Hogwarts. I shall be starting a job at the Gloucester Cathedral, overseeing preservation and restoration and acting as a co-consultant and Medieval Historian with another scholar. Until then I shall continue to lecture and prepare students for their OWLs and NEWTs, and then will be replaced during the second half of the year at the start of January. I do not know who will be my replacement at the present time, but have been assured that I will have a say in who is hired to take over.
I cannot fully express how much my time spent here has meant to me, nor how much I have enjoyed getting to know you all. I believe that every moment spent in this castle has improved me for the better, and I know that as much as I have taught you, I've learned that much more from each and every one of you. Despite how sudden this departure might seem, I am saddened to leave and will miss the castle and everyone I crossed paths with in it.
One more announcement, shorter than the one before, and one that may make sense in context with the last. As you might have heard, late December I am to be married. You're all invited if you wish to go to the ceremony and reception, teachers and students alike. There are some restrictions as my parents are Muggle and the rest of my family as well, therefore the wedding will be one without magic and in a Muggle church. If you'd like to attend please let me know and I will provide you with a location and date, once I can be sure that wands will be put away for that day, of course.
My office hours remain the same as they've always been, should anyone wish to speak to me in person.