The Book of Firsts: Kendall and James- First Day of School

Jul 29, 2011 20:21

The first day of school for Kendall and James was a big event. The two best friends had been waiting for it for the longest time. They'd talk about how much fun it would be when they sat up in the half-made tree house James's dad promised to finish but never did. They had the same teacher, Mrs. Mason, for AM kindergarten. They were convinced it was going to be a boatload of fun like pre-school together was. So when the 8:00 bus showed up the first day, they were almost jumping out of their light up sneakers (That James's mom had bought for both the boys in return for Karen babysitting James all the time).

Stepping onto the bus at five years old was the most terrifying for the two boys. The steps were high and huge, leading up to a bus driver with brightly dyed red hair and painted on eyebrows. She didn't even smile at them; she looked impatiently, waiting for them to pick a spot. The back of the bus was crowded with 5th graders who looked menacing to James and Kendall. They quickly found a seat in the front and scooted into it, holding their lunch boxes tight.

The ride into the elementary school was bumpy and made Kendall feel sick. He kept looking at his best friend by the window, who looked completely unfazed by this. The blond frowned. "Don't you feel sick?" he asked, curiously.

James shook his head happily, "Nope. Are you?" he asked, looking at him with his large brown eyes. Kendall shook his head quickly, not wanting to seem inferior to his strong best friend. They weren't babies anymore, they were kindergarteners!

They finally made it to the school and a bunch of teachers were standing outside, holding up signs. Some had words on them, others only colours. James and Kendall's name tags that they were given during the summer were blue and they quickly found a blue sign.

"Are you Mrs. Mason?" James asked bravely, Kendall standing at his side. The lady holding the sign smiled brightly, bending down to their level.

"Yes I am and what are your names?" she asked, her smile still on her face. Kendall nudged James, telling him he should go first. The brunette boy beamed back at the teacher.

"James Diamond," he said proudly. She looked at the clipboard she held and put a check mark next to his name. She looked over at Kendall with soft eyes.

"I'm Kendall…Knight," he whispered. Mrs. Mason's grin grew a little more as she checked off his name.

"Okay, you two can just wait around me. We'll go into the classroom after everyone if here."

They did as they were told and waited around for all the other buses to get there. James and Kendall clung to each other like the friends they were. They talked about how cool school was going to be, even though Kendall was a little more than nervous about it. James seemed to not notice, which the small blond was happy about.

After everyone had arrived, they were ushered by Mrs. Mason down to their classroom. It was a big room with colours galore. Every child couldn't help but stare at the signs and pictures hung up everywhere. The two boys were just as mystified, James trying to read what was on them and Kendall just amazed. They were all gathered into a circle in the middle of room, where a large rug with buildings and roads on it was laid out. Mrs. Mason talked to them, telling them how glad she was that they were all in her class.

They all introduced themselves in a fun game where they threw a small blue ball around the circle. They had to say their names and favourite food. Kendall was shy at first while his best friend was proud about announcing that his name was James Diamond and he loved pizza.

Once they were done with introductions, Mrs. Mason read them a book; Oh! The Places You Will Go by Dr. Seuss. It was long and boring according to James, but Kendall found it interesting. It was talking about how their lives were beginning that day. He played with the Velcro on his shoes as he listened.

By the time the book was over, they were allowed to colour sheets that she had copied out of the book until the buses got there to take them home. Kendall and James sat at their own table and coloured while talking.

"Kindergarten is so cool!" James enthused, running his crayons everywhere over his sheet. Kendall was colouring in the lines, unlike his friend and nodded.

"Yeah…I like the books," the blond said, colouring the character on the page yellow. James shook his head and ran his blue crayon over the person.

"I don't like books," he concluded, "I like colouring!"

It wasn't long before they were headed back off to the bus. This time they were the only ones on the bus besides other kindergarteners. Kendall liked that so much better, but he'd never tell James that. They chattered about how they were going to play as soon as they got back to Kendall's house. They could play monster trucks or dragons. The moment they got off the bus, they took off toward sthe Knight's house, ready to play.

kames, kendall schmidt, big time rush, kendall knight, james diamond, jendall, james maslow

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