Untitled (One-shot)

Oct 08, 2010 17:58

I had to take this; it was too good to pass up.


Kendall shrugged his back-pack further up his shoulder as he walked home from school. He had waited by his locker for five minutes for James, but eventually gave up. He was a teenage boy, he was impatient.

A moan resounded by him. He tried to ignore it; he was walking behind the school after all. All the druggies hung out back there.  But it was hard to tune out the loud, pained cries he kept hearing.

Eventually, he ducked behind the opposing wall and was greeted by the sight of James laying there on the ground, covered in cuts and bruises. Kendall dropped his bag and ran up to assist his friend.

“Oh my God! James!” he shouted, kneeling next to his best friend. The brunette boy looked up, both his eyes purple and swollen. His lip was split down the center and bled profusely.

“Kendall?” he breathed weakly. His eyes stung from the tears that started to come. He had been bashed, but how could he tell Kendall? It was mortifying, being gay and called out for it. If that was what stranger’s thought, then what would his best friend think?

Kendall could also feel himself tearing up. In a swift movement, he wrapped his arms around his friend and held him tight. He stroked the back of his hair. James leaned into the touch.

“What happened?” he asked stupidly. James pulled away from the embrace and looked down at the ground.

“It was nothing,” he mumbled, tasting his blood. Kendall blinked rapidly and reached up caressing his thumb across the boy’s wounded lip. Blood smeared on his finger and he stared at the pool of red.

“It wasn’t just nothing, James,” he said, harsher than intended. The boy in his arms hugged him close yet again, sobbing into his shoulder.

“They beat me up…because…” he took in a sharp breath, snot and tears running down his banged up face, “I’m gay.”

Kendall kept James close and rocked him like a child. He kept stroking his hair instinctively. He didn’t know how to comfort his friend the right way. What was there to do?

"You aren’t going to say anything?” James pulled back again and stared incredulously. Kendall raised an eyebrow.

“Why would I?”

“Well I just came out to you,” the brunette stated matter-of-factly. Kendall shook his head and smirked.

The blond boy sighed after his smirk and leaned down. He had been so confused about his feelings towards James for a long time. He would tell himself that it was wrong, loving him, But now that he knew this fact, he found a light of hope for his feelings. He had to grab them.

Their lips touched ever so gently because of James’ lip. Both seemed surprised by the kiss. Mostly because it was unexpectedly brilliant.

When they parted, Kendall smiled. “C’mon…let’s go get you cleaned up.”


Sucky writing is sucky.

fanfiction, kendall scmidt, big time rush, pg, james maslow

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