Tenacious Tentacles 9 - 27 Loan Wolves

May 11, 2011 12:15

Our second week of the season, and another double header with both Loan Wolves teams in action. By chance, the fixtures were near each other, so we were able to get the whole club together afterwards.
So obviously, both teams were keen to do well, if only for bragging rights to our fellow Wolves.
Our match was against the Tenacious Tentacles (what is it with the suggestive names in this league?). Same pitch as last week. This time we were prepared for the light, having brought sunglasses.
A shaky batting start across the team didn’t get the match off to the best of starts. We still managed to keep the opposition score down though, and either held or chased a narrow lead through several quick early innings. Special mention to Libs for an almost casual bit of base running which saw her saunter to Third on what should have been a first base hit on an overthrow.
The sunglasses didn’t help - not when the setting Sun came level into your eyes. In consecutive mid-game innings both teams made nothing, but then clouds veiled the Sun, it finally set, and the game came alive.
We were able to put pressure on in the field with some useful outfield catches, and our batting sharpened up. We had built a solid lead by the end of the Sixth, but in the Seventh we really opened it up. Effective base hits set up our big hitters to bat runs in, we went round the order, and set the Tentacles a pretty big ask. They started gamely, putting runs on the board, but we had the luxury of runs in hand and it wasn’t too long before pitcher Paul ended the game with a decisive double-play.
I managed a nice rightfield hit, batting in runners on Two and Three, but had a quiet game in the field - the highpoint of that was spotting a kestrel flying overhead between plays.
After the game, we rendezvoused with our clubmates at the Edinboro Castle, where we celebrated both teams’ victories and also Luisa’s birthday.

softball, loan wolves, primrose hill, kestrels

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