(no subject)

Dec 18, 2009 10:41

I'd invited various extra people to the pub quiz last night, as it coincided with my birthday. Sadly, it turned out to be one of the years when it clashed with a lot of people's prior engagements - hazard of having a birthday at this time of year. Some folks did manage to turn out though, and it was lovely to see them, and I had a good night. Had some nice presents - cycle accessories from WW and Bryony, to go with the bike I'm buying, and a book from Keir on a great loony of military history. Scum Off the Port Bow won the quiz, thanks to inkognitoh spotting the anagram. Which was not, as I thought, "Spanky Kev", but "Kevin Spacey". And we had a proper snowfall. I'm going out for a walk in the park in a bit.

friends, quiz, birthdays, g.l.o.m.h., snow

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