(no subject)

May 21, 2006 11:19

Went to a barbecue at KB's sister  & Matt's place yesterday afternoon.  Or it would have been a barbecue if the rain hadn't been coming down stair-rods.  Ended up being an indoors party with lots of grilled food.  Had some of KB's mum's quite excellent curried goat.  Was also taught how to say the word "bacon" in Jamaican patois.  Just say the word "beer-can", but say it like you really, really mean it.
On the way, I'd happened on a library sale and picked up a few paperbacks, and also found a LOTR PS2 game for £2 in a charity shop.
Had to leave in ther early evening to go across town to Alex26's place for Renegades' Eurovision party.  Much cheesy 1970s food, a lot of laughs.  I still maintain that Texas Lightning had the best song (though they didn't come across as well on the night, possibly due to the sound set-up being geared to pop rather than string-driven country).  However, in the sweepstake we held, I had drawn Finland....
Have to hand it to them - those guys rawk!  Truly deserved victory for everyone's favourite Uruk-Hai death-metallers.  Though honourable mentions also to Lithuania's gleefully stupid and optimistic "we are the winners - of Eurovision" chant, and the Latvian dancing robot apparently built from coat-hangers and paper plates.  The UK entry ended in lower-table obscurity, as apparently the voting public of Europe isn't as keen as Daz Sampson on young women in schoolgirl outfits.

food, friends, barbecues, charity shops, eurovision, parties

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