Wow Wow yeah Wow~
Wow Wow Yeah
Wow Wow Yeah Yeah
umareta koto Oh~
deaeta koto Oh~
ima soba ni ireru koto arigatou
ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi
Special thanks to my beloved friend Nishiki-chan alias Nouf-chan as
ryoislovefor BEAUTIFUL PRESENT in my precious days... i' m very happy.. \(^o^)/
I love all her creates, it's very beautiful graphics (wallpaper, icons, gif), her Ryo-chan's art is very cute too, always make me smile (^v^)y
YEYYYYY, again i get BEAUTIFUL BIRTHDAY PRESENT from my adore author Lillie sensei
bluelillie , i love her fics, it's about RYOPI the title is:
It's very beautiful story.... (^3^)b!!!!
Hehehehe, i have strong connection with this fic, i hope another reader will be not mad at me, hehehe :P.
I get BIRTHDAY ENTRY!!! My KAWAII friend from UK, BEE
ryui_suki make it for me... \(^o^)/ yey!
Since i meet her in CR *2008*, she is very yasashii & cute person (>v<) who love Ryo-chan & YUI, i invited her to join LJ, and she did it.. hehe, i'm very happy!! XD
Thank you my HONEY BEE!! wowow it's GREAT SONG, Bee share Yui's, it's beat up & cherful song, I LIKE IT (^O^)/
I will share with you too:
YUI - Happy Birthday to you you #~~~~~~_______******________~~~~~~#
ryotanfan29 make a RYOPI fanfic for me, i'm very happy \(^o^)/.
i didn't notice it before... i'm very late to open it... gomen ne m(_ _)m *super deep bow*
it's very sweet fanfic, I LOVE IT!! the title is:
WINNIE is super lovely author, her fanfic is cute & sweet (>v<)b!!!
i wanna share with you all (^v^)y xxxx------______******______-----xxxx
Yohoho \(^o^)/, BIG thanks to MARIIA-CHAN
mariiaw for created BEAUTIFUL WALPAPER in my precious time.
i collected many of her designs (wallpaper, icons, gif).., all created by her always GREAT :D
Mariia-chan used Ryo-chan's eyes to starring us *acctually me XD*, it's confession?? (^///^)
It's SWEET BANNER for me o(>v<)o!!! Dina
din4mo is my LOVELY RYOPI FRIEND, fufufu X3. Same country like me, INDONESIA, Tanah Air JAYA!! (`O')/ *MERDEKA*
TERIMA KASIH BANYAK!!!! (^_______^)y *bIG smILE by Ryo-chan mode ON*
AMAZING PIC created by Nyappy-chan
aprilchaos_88 .
Look, RYOPI together as to be my BIRTHDAY PRESENT!! fufufufu (^3^)y.
Nyappy-chan is my 1st friend in CR , DESTINY made us meet again in LJ coz of RYOPI fanfic, haha :D
Yup!! Nyappy-chan is author XD.. i love her fanfiction :3
bonbon_7 , i'm very happy (^O^)y
She is the one of my close friends in CR, i really miss her.
*please forgive me for anything, m(_ _)m*
She made some ICONS for me, & it's GREAT !! (>v<) ******++++++_________%%%%%%_________++++++******
I'm very happy \(^O^)/!!! SWEET RYOPI PIC created by Nana-chan
megu575 o(>v<)o
There always many beautiful stories that she share with me..
*Gomen if i always bother you with my PM m(_ _)m, esp about NEWS & RYOPI.. hehe, you know me Nana-chan (^////^)y*
Her fanfiction also GREAT too (^o^)y
wowowowow, Nana-chan made RYOPI FANFICTION for me, I LOVE IT, fufufufufu (>v<)y, double happy, she posted at Ryo-chan BIRTHDAY (03111984), hoho, NICE PRESENT in NICE DAY!!
I will share with you all: *NEW*
"Realization of One Simple Thing" !!!__________******~~~~~\(^o^)/~~~~~******__________!!!
as BIRTHDAY PARTY i wanna share all many LOVE for you all, by RYOPI LOVE SYMBOL in Happy Birthday song performance hehehe (^v^)
and special hug for you minna \(>v<)/
HUG super cute... fufufufufufufu (^3^)/
credit pic @