Sep 19, 2005 23:11
how many times have i written about nature vs. nurture? [feels like the first time.]
tomorrow i will drive myself to school! and back! [feels like the very first time!]
i hope that nicole and nicole are okay in their foreign countries. i have a feeling casey is just fine, he's done this sort of thing before. what a dad.
i miss them both. very much. i've been emailing lupardus and it's been good. she's showed me pictures, and i'm going to send her atlas of the stars music.
i'm trying out for a play. at school. coach thinks i'm piling too many things onto myself. i think he's right. but i have to, otherwise i can't keep up with my obligations. if i could act every day after school i think i'd be a happier person. i know i'd be a happier person.
i keep getting distracted. damn you reaction paper. damn you latin childrens book. although that will be cute, it seems i am lacking a certain dictionary.