Sep 14, 2007 14:56
I haven't been able to post all my CA pictures to flickr yet because of all the time it takes to tag them. And I haven't wanted to blog about it till the pictures were ready. So in the meantime, here are a couple of random-ass surveys that attempt to be funny, courtesy of alli's myspace [EDIT, 9/17/07, 11:24am: I meant that the survey-writer was attempting to be funny with the random nature of the questions, not like I was trying to be funny with my resposes]:
1. If you're driving in the country and you come to a fork in the road, would you rather take a bubble bath or take a picture?
does that beginning of this question have anything to do with the question itself? If I were in the situation above I’d choose take a picture because I’d be doing that anyway. But just in general once in awhile bubble bath might seem more appealing than taking pictures.
2. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what color underwear would you be wearing?
probably blackie? I like darker colors.
3. Trampoline or jelly beans?
I always wanted a big giant trampoline.
4. Take the year you were born, divide by the age you will be on your next birthday, subtract 7, and add the number of views to your profile. What kind of dog is Scooby Doo?
mentally skipping the obvious “nothing to do with the final question” part of the sentence.... and now reading the question itself. Scooby Doo is one of those big dogs that I don’t like as much in real life as little dogs.
5. Ziplock or zip tie?
zip ties are fun. ziplock is much less fun.
6. Think of your favorite band. What brand of pants are you wearing?
hehe, in high school pam had these pants I called “colour and the shape pants” or something to that effect because they were navy blue with red accents.
7. There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year. What is the capital of Wisconsin?
8. You win the lottery and quit your job. Who's your favorite Canadian?
Ellie Nash! :P (only moreso before she went to college and became more “normal”)
9. Tomorrow is Friday. How many blueberries can a guinea pig balance on her head?
tomorrow is not Friday. And this is reminding me of this picture that was passed around at work awhile ago that said “I have no idea what you are talking about. Here is a bunny with a pancake on his head.” ...and the next question mentions pancakes!
10. tire iron or pancakes?
I don’t think I know what a tire iron is, but the phrase has a nice sound to it. Are the pancakes homemade? Frozen pancakes are ukky.
11. pink pirates or drama queen?
12. 4 out of 5 dentists recommend Crest Toothpaste. Polar bears or penguins?
both are adorable. I can’t choose between them. And Colgate is better than Crest.
13. Chicken pox or pop rocks?
I don’t like the sound of the phrase “chicken pox” ...pop rocks are much better. I used to put a ton on my tongue at once hehehe.
14. The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. Are you on Santa's naughty or nice list?
was I the only one creeped out by “he sees you when you’re sleeping; he knows when you’re awake” as a kid?
15. jumping jacks or cracker jacks?
but it’s aaaaaaaaalllll riiiiiiiiiiiiiight noooooow.... anyway. cracker jacks.
16. coffee or darts?
darts scare me. It’s the whole not having good eyesight/not having good aim thing.
1. If you owned a pig, what country would you want to visit?
am I taking the pig with me?
2. Which is better, an AA battery, or dental floss?
well a single AA battery by itself is pretty useless because it seems like most things require at least two.
3. Which body part best describes you: "spleen" or "fingernail"?
fingernails are pretty, fingernails are good
4. NASCAR or enchiladas?
ukk... is it a chicken enchilada? Now I need to ask myself whether I’d rather sit through a NASCAR event or eat a beef enchilada. I think I’d have to go with choking down the beef. It would take less time.
5. If you could have any occupation in the world, what would your favorite vegetable be?
I like broccoli with vegetable dip.
6. Take number 5 on your Top Friends list. Convert each letter to a number in their first name and then add it up. Subtract two if they are actually friends with number 3. Multiply that by the number of friends on your Top Friends list. Write the result on a paper napkin. Crumple the napkin up and toss it in the garbage. Now remember that number. What is your favorite city?
skipping down to the end of this question after “top friends list” because it is more obvious “blah blah blah math, oh wait, it really has nothing to do with anything!” as if you haven’t figured out the theme of this survey by now. dumbass. And I enjoy Boston. Favorite not-here American city I’ve been to has been San Francisco (Vegas had more going on, but for an everyday sort of thing rather than a vacation spot I’d pick SF), and favorite foreign city was probably Brugge, Belgium.
7. What is your favorite disease?
there’s a nice handful of mental disorders that I enjoy. Not worth listing them all here. :P
8. Carpet or Play-Dough?
play-doh is more fun to touch. Although I do like touching those little sample carpet squares in stores.
9. Out of all the movies nominated for this year's Best Picture Oscar, what type of car do you drive?
the departed? :P
10. Water or Marbles?
the marbles that look like the ocean when you hold them up to a light and look into them. :P
11. Owning a pet takes a lot of responsibility. Which would you rather have to do: drive to Mexico, or buy groceries?
putting aside the fact that I don’t drive for a moment, I’ll go with drive to Mexico. It would mean I’d be on vacation, which would automatically involve yummie food better than everyday normal groceries.
12. An old lady using a walker is about to get hit by a bus. Do you: A.) Fill out your taxes, or B.) Feed your goldfish?
no goldfish for me, and my aunt is nice enough to handle my taxes every year. Knowing me, I’d be standing there helplessly and feeling like I might be too much of a bother or burden or just plain useless if I tried to help the old lady and worrying about how she might be mad at me for trying to help her so then she’d get hit while I was obsessing over all this and then I’d go crazy with guilt.
13. What is your favorite polyhedron?
maybe like a whatever you would call a 3D trapezoid of some sort, if such a thing exists and has an actual name.
14. Strangest place you've ever eaten a meal:
umm... not sure. I used to hide under my family’s back porch when I was younger though and I probably brought food down there at least once. And I used to like to sit on an inner tube in our kiddie pools in the summer and eat grilled food from there. Not very interesting, I know.
15. Which would you rather smell: Tide laundry detergent or a Sharpie marker?
laundry detergent for having just a general scent in the air, but sharpie marker for just quickly sniffing at something.
16. The United States flag has three colors on it. Do you own a bicycle?
I believe my old Huffy White Heat kid bicycle is down my parents’ cellar still somewhere.
17. People get tricked into giving away their MySpace passwords all the time. What's your password?
people do get tricked into giving away their passwords all the time? that’s pretty sad. My old yahoo email account once was like hijacked and someone made a phony myspace account with it so I shut it down after myspace did nothing with the complaint I sent them.